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Updated: August 17, 2024

Containing a scene of the tender kind. "The doctor, madam," continued Booth, "spent his evening at Mrs. Harris's house, where I sat with him whilst he smoaked his pillow pipe, as his phrase is. Amelia was retired about half an hour to her chamber before I went to her. At my entrance I found her on her knees, a posture in which I never disturbed her.

What changes this produced, will be read in its proper place: all that is needful to be added to the anecdote, is this That whatever effect it had upon my uncle Toby, it had a vile effect upon the house; and if my uncle Toby had not smoaked it down as he did, it might have had a vile effect upon my father too. 'Twill come out of itself by and bye.

This verifies the noble observation of Shakespear, that all heroes have a contempt of death; which he puts in the mouth of Julius Cæsar when his friends dissuaded him from going to the Senate-House. Sir Walter eat his breakfast that morning, smoaked his pipe, and made no more of death, than if he had been to take a journey.

He had but lately made his descent downstairs, after a long fit of the gout, in which distemper he was generally confined to his room during one half of the year; and during the rest, he walked about the house, smoaked his pipe, and drank his bottle with his friends, without concerning himself in the least with any kind of business.

He accompanied these words with such rough actions, that they soon got the better of Mr Blifil's peaceful temper; and a scuffle immediately ensued, which might have produced mischief, had it not been prevented by the interposition of Thwackum and the physician; for the philosophy of Square rendered him superior to all emotions, and he very calmly smoaked his pipe, as was his custom in all broils, unless when he apprehended some danger of having it broke in his mouth.

Adams and his companions returned to the table, where the parson smoaked another pipe, and then they all retired to rest.

They offered ffirst to one of the elders, that satt downe by us. When he had smoaked, he bids them give it us. This being done, we went backe to our fort as we came. The day following we made the principall Persons come together to answer to their guifts.

She was now standing with her back to the fire, and, with a pinch of snuff in her hand, was dealing forth this daily allowance of comfort to the squire, while he smoaked his afternoon pipe, when she received the above letter; which she had no sooner read than she delivered it to him, saying, "There, sir, there is an account of your lost sheep.

I understand too that Webb, the groom porter, is under obligations to your honourable family; for which raison the lying spalpeen pretends that he smoaked a bale of Fulhams To be sure it is all a mistake I am a man of honour; and you, Captain, are a man of honour also; for which I give up the coal to your ginerosity; in raison whereof hush is the word.

I am credibly informed that Tom Tattle passes for an impertinent Fellow, that Will Trippet begins to be smoaked, and that Frank Smoothly himself is within a Month of a Coxcomb, in case I think fit to continue this Paper.

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