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Updated: August 7, 2024

He had given only two dollars an egg to the woman who made moccasins, and he prided himself that he had come off fairly well with Slavovitch, whose seven hundred and fifteen eggs he had bought at a flat rate of two dollars and a half.

"She's worth a million dollars. She's worth all I've got. She's worth all the dust in the Klondike." He sat down, and went on in a calmer voice. "But that ain't no call for me to gamble ten thousand dollars on a breakfast for her. Now I've got a proposition. Lend me a couple of dozen of them eggs. I'll turn 'em over to Slavovitch. He'll feed 'em to her with my compliments.

It was at this juncture that Wild Water beckoned the proprietor to him, and, with one hand on his shoulder, drew his head down. "Look here, Slavovitch," Wild Water whispered hoarsely, "I turned over a couple of dozen eggs to you last night. Where are they?" "In the safe, all but that six I have all thawed and ready for you any time you sing out."

I'll see he gets his passage, and I'll get the eggs. Now hustle. And they say that little woman down beyond the sawmill who makes moccasins has a couple of dozen." "All right, if you say so, Smoke. But Slavovitch seems the main squeeze. I'll just get an iron-bound option, black an' white, an' gather in the scatterin' first." "All right. Hustle. And I'll tell you the scheme tonight."

And by this time Slavovitch has told him that Shorty and I own the corner." Lucille Arral's eyes sparkled with delight. "I'm going to breakfast right now," she cried. "And I'll ask the waiter for eggs, and be so plaintive when there aren't any as to melt a heart of stone. And you know Wild Water's been around to Slavovitch, trying to buy the corner if it costs him one of his mines. I know him.

"I don't want 'em for myself," Wild Water breathed in a still lower voice. "Shir 'em up and present 'em to Miss Arral there." "I'll attend to it personally myself," Slavovitch assured him. "An' don't forget compliments of me," Wild Water concluded, relaxing his detaining clutch on the proprietor's shoulder.

Oh, Smoke!" "Yes?" "Not a cent less than ten a throw. Do you get that?" "Sure thing all right," Smoke returned sleepily. In the morning Smoke chanced upon Lucille Arral again at the dry-goods counter of the A. C. Store. "It's working," he jubilated. "It's working. Wild Water's been around to Slavovitch, trying to buy or bully eggs out of him.

'He'll fall for ten before I'm done with him. Anyway, I told Slavovitch I'd think it over and let him know in the mornin'. Of course we'll let 'm pass the word on to Wild Water. Am I right?" "You certainly are, Shorty. First thing in the morning tip off Slavovitch. Have him tell Wild Water that you and I are partners in the deal." Five minutes later Smoke was again aroused by Shorty. "Say! Smoke!

Pretty Lucille Arral was gazing forlornly at the strip of breakfast bacon and the tinned mashed potatoes on her plate when Slavovitch placed before her two shirred eggs. "Compliments of Mr. Wild Water," they at the next table heard him say.

Almost to the letter, as she had forecast it, did the scene come off. "Haven't you found any eggs yet?" she murmured plaintively to the waiter. "No, ma'am," came the answer. "They say somebody's cornered every egg in Dawson. Mr. Slavovitch is trying to buy a few just especially for you. But the fellow that's got the corner won't let loose."

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