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Updated: August 19, 2024

After he had made some Motions, as they always do, he went directly out of one of the three Gaps, as exactly as if he had not been blindfolded, and kept muttering to himself, having a Stick in his Hand, with which, after some time, he struck two Strokes very hard upon the Ground, and made thereon a Cross, after which he told the Indian's Name that had stoln the Goods, and said, that he would have a Cross on his Back; which prov'd true; for when they took and search'd him, there appear'd two great Wheals on his Back, one cross the other; for the Thief was at Governor Southwell's House, and was under no Apprehension of being discover'd.

But I am fully determined, there is no room for Hesitation, for I am unalterably fixed in my Choice. Withdraw, and leave me to strengthen my Resolutions. Kelirieu insisted no farther, but hastened to acquaint the Mollak, that he had already search'd the King's Wound.

They search'd the Room very diligently, and not finding Sempronius at last Richardo address'd himself to Amaryllis in these Words: "Madam, I hope you have more Virtue and Honour than to shelter a Criminal, especially where one of your most beautiful Sex is concern'd, and the greatest Innocence has been violated: If you allow your House to to be a Sanctuary for Offenders of this Nature, Justice will require Satisfaction at your Door; you may your self expect the same Injury to your Person, and I am now prepar'd to shew a Resentment that will not be pleasing to Amaryllis, either comply with my Desires in producing the Criminal, or expect to fall my Victim."

During the day I rambled with my brother over a large portion of the town, search'd after a refectory, and, after much trouble, succeeded in getting some dinner. Our "Prairie Bird" started out at dark, and a couple of hours after there was quite a rain and blow, which made them haul in along shore and tie fast. We made but thirty miles the whole night.

Eumolpus pursuing his humour, when the boy fill'd him a glass, "I had rather," said he, "be in possession of thee, than the whole bagnio"; and greedily drinking it off, "the heat I've been in," added he, "made this the pleasantest draught I ever took: For to deal freely with ye, I narrowly scap'd a beating, for attempting, when I was in the bath, to deliver my thoughts of it in verse: And after I was turn'd out of the bagnio, as I us'd to be out of the theatre; I search'd every place, crying as loud as I cou'd, 'Encolpius, Encolpius. A naked youth that had lost his cloaths, as strongly echo'd back to me, 'Gito, Gito': The boys, believing me mad, ridicul'd me with their mimikry: But the other was attended with a great concourse of people, that with an awful admiration prais'd the youth: For nature had so largely qualify'd him for a lover, his body seem'd but as the skirt of the mighty member it bore: A lusty rogue!

But to-day as I climb'd past the spot, something very bright flashed in my eyes and dazzled me, and rubbing them and looking, I saw a great hole in the hill facing to the sou'-west in the very place I had search'd for it; and out of this a beam of light glancing.

I must needs admit that by my Trial not much Assistance was afforded me: yet, as the Cause and Origin of these Dreadfull Events may hereafter be search'd out, I set down the Results, in the case it may be found that they pointed the true Quarter of the Mischief to a quicker Intelligence than my own. This is all that need be quoted from Mr Crome's papers.

We had just done, when Ascyltos, with a beadle, having search'd the other chambers, came to ours, which gave him greater hopes, because he found the door so barr'd: But the petty officer he brought, with an iron crow, forc'd it open.

So saying, he pressed her arm forcibly, pulled the bonnet over his brows, and strode out of the apartment. After you're gone, I grew acquainted with my heart, and search'd, What stirr'd it so. Alas! I found it love. Yet far from lust, for could I but have lived In presence of you, I had had my end.

When I had search'd the whole town, I return'd to my lodging, where, the ceremony of kisses ended, I got my boy to a closer hug, and, enjoying my wishes, thought myself happy even to envy: Nor had I done when Ascyltos stole to the door, and springing the bolt, found us at leap-frog; upon which, clapping his hands, he fell a laughing, and turning me out of the saddle; "What," said he, "most reverend gentleman, what were you doing, my brother sterling?"

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