Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: July 31, 2024

Every house was illuminated, every window was crowded with faces, on every roof men stood in rows, from every balcony bright eyes looked down upon the gay scene, and from basement to garret, from kennel to roof-top throughout the long way, deafening cheers testified, whilst they increased the delight of the multitude.

As the child spoke, I stared aghast at the blind rocks before me. Huge and irregular, the granite masses, showing by charred discolouration where they had been shattered, rose from footing to roof-top; not a cranny! "All hope, then, is gone," I murmured, sinking down on the craggy wayside, "and I shall nevermore see the sun."

"A letter from Gordon," said Durrance, in a musing voice, "scribbled perhaps upon the roof-top of his palace, by the side of his great telescope a sentence written in haste, and his eye again to the lens, searching over the palm trees for the smoke of the steamers and it comes down the Nile to be buried in a mud wall in Berber.

My companion ascended to the very roof-top and saw all the city. We are nothing beside these people. It is the nature of the English to consider all created beings as equal. The Badshah himself wears khaki. His son the Shahzada is a young man who inhabits the trenches except when he is forbidden. He is a keen son of the sword. It is true that trains run underneath the city in all directions.

The squad that had accompanied Ensign Dalzell was immediately ordered to return with the wounded, after which Trent and his officers gave their whole attention to locating every Mexican sniper on every roof-top within six hundred yards of their position. So well was this done that at least a dozen Mexican sharpshooters were killed within the next hour.

"You should recognize the man, he's the one who arrested me." "Here is a gun, you will want to kill him yourself." Jason took the gun, but used it to clear a nearby roof-top, the powerful kick of the Pyrran automatic was like a caress on the heel of his hand. "I don't think I want to kill him. He saved my life once, though he has tried to lose it for me a dozen times since.

Also the gaudy houses of red, blue, and yellow, the number of beautiful trees that grew in the very streets, and the swarms of birds that crowded every roof-top and ventured down quite fearlessly among the passers-by, all made me gasp with wonder.

Heading the line on Darrin's side of the street, Trent dashed around the corner, leading his sailormen at a run. Dalzell's men rushed into the fray at the same moment, Dave amid Dan, as ordered, bringing up the rear of the two files. On the instant that the two lines of charging, cheering sailormen came into sight, the Mexicans on the roof-top redoubled their fire.

Those of them who are moving forward through jungles against lurking Japs those who are landing at this moment, in barges moving through the dawn up to strange enemy coasts those who are diving their bombers down on the targets at roof-top level at this moment every one of these men knows that this war is a full-time job and that it will continue to be that until total victory is won.

Down plunged the searchlight, picking Niss'rosh out of the gloom. Through the floor-glass, the Master could descry it clearly. He slowed, circled, playing with vacuum-lift, helicopters, engines, as if they had been keys of a familiar instrument. Presently the liner hovered, poised, sank, remained a little over 750 feet above the observatory on the roof-top.

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