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Updated: August 18, 2024

"Daur ye preshume, Watty Witherspaill," she went on, "for no rizzon but that I ga'e you the job, an' unnertook to pay ye for't an' that far abune its market value, daur ye preshume, I say, to dictate to me what I'm to du an' what I'm no to du anent the maitter in han'? Think ye I hae been a mither to the puir yoong thing for sae mony a year to lat her gang awa' her lane at the last wi' the likes o' you for company!"

"There was this rizzon," she said, re-entering with the child, and laying him in James's arms. He gasped with astonishment, almost consternation. "Is this mine?" he stammered. "Yours and mine, sir," she replied. "Wasna God a heap better til me nor I deserved? Sic a bonnie bairn! No a mark, no a spot upon him frae heid to fut to tell that he had no business to be here!

"Ye may be sure," he answered, "it gaed some agen the grain to seek wark frae HIM, an' I had no rizzon upon earth for no comin' to you first but that I didna want to be sae far, at nicht especially, frae my father. He's no the man he was." "Verra nait'ral!" responded the farmer heartily, and wondered in himself whether any of his sons would have considered him so much.

"It stan's to rizzon, my lord," answered Malcolm, "that what's ill made maun be made ower again. There's a day comin' whan a' 'at's wrang 'll be set richt, ye ken." "And the crooked made straight," suggested the marquis laughing. "Doobtless, my lord. He'll be strauchtit oot bonny that day," said Malcolm with absolute seriousness. "Bah!

That stan's to rizzon, ye see; but they telled me 'at ye kenned a' about whaur we a' cam frae." "Deil a bit o' 't!" persisted Mrs Catanach, in tones of repudiation. "What care I whaur I cam frae, sae lang's " "Sae lang's what, gien ye please?" pleaded the man, with a childlike entreaty in his voice.

Gordon sprang to his feet with such a look of wrath and despair as for a moment frightened Kirsty who was not easily frightened. She thought of the terrible bog-holes on the way her lover had come, sprang also to her feet, and caught him by the arm where, his foot already in the stirrup, he stood in the act of mounting. 'Francie! Francie! she cried, 'hearken to rizzon!

She's a paad woman, 'tat she'll pe certain sure, though she'll nefor saw her to speak to her. She'll haf claaws to her poosoms." "Weel, daddy, there was naething ither to gar ye lo'e me. I was jist a helpless human bein', an' sae for that, an' nae ither rizzon, ye tuik a' that fash wi' me! An' for mysel', I'm deid sure I cudna lo'e ye better gien ye war twise my gran'father."

"True! true!" said the laird, a hopeful gleam beginning to break upon his darkness. "We'll, ye see, laird," Grizzie went on, "I'm no sic a born idiot as think ye wad set the possession o' sic a playock again the yoong laird's edication; sae ye maun hae some rizzon for no meltin' 't doon seem' siller maun aye be worth siller, an' gowd, gien there be eneuch o' 't.

"Father o' lichts!" he murmured once and again, but making wild gestures, as if warding off blows. Miss Horn took him gently by the hand. The moment he felt her touch, his face grew calm, and he submitted at once to be led back to bed. She wants a grip o' 'm for some ill rizzon or ither to lock him up in a madhoose, maybe, as the villains said, or 'deed, maybe, to mak awa' wi' him a'thegither."

"I wull, An'rew; I was nae suner left to mysel' i' the prison than I faun' mysel' thinkin' aboot you you first, and no the Lord. I said to mysel', 'This is awfu'. I'm leanin' upo' An'rew, and no upo' the First and the Last. I saw that that was to brak awa' frae Him that was nearest me, and trust ane that was farther awa' which wasna i' the holy rizzon o' things.

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