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Updated: August 20, 2024

She had the tact, during all the troubles which scattered her little circle, to retain her friends, of whatever religious color, though not without a few temporary clouds. Her diplomatic moderation did not quite please the religieuses of Port Royal, and chilled a little her pleasant relations with d'Andilly.

The young novice was so devout that the archbishop prophesied a new light for the church, and she easily persuaded him of the necessity of occupying the minds of the religieuses by suitable diversions.

There existed in Troyes another convent of religieuses known as the "Congregation of Notre Dame," who were founded by Pere Fourier, cure of Martincourt, a man eminent for piety. They were cloistered nuns, who added to the ordinary duties of a religious life the education of young girls. This duty they discharged within the cloister, and without secular assistance.

Having thus taken every precaution that prudence suggested to learn the divine will, Sister Bourgeois no longer doubted of her vocation for Canada, but God had not yet declared either the time or the manner of her going. It was natural to suppose she would accompany the religieuses of the Congregation, but the Great Disposer of events ordained differently.

This sort of divided burial was not infrequent in Montreal. For, in 1693, on the death of Jean Mance, the pious Foundress of the Hotel-Dieu, a similar disposition of her remains took place, her body being interred under the parish church, while her heart was deposited with the religieuses of the hospital where it was consumed in the fire in 1695.

They went two and two together, wherever the glory of God or the good of their neighbors required, always subject to the appointment of the religieuses. It was in this edifying association that God manifested his designs on her future life, and it was for her a real apprenticeship in the school of virtue.

Maj. Editio Tertia. Jenae, Typis Pauli Ehrichii, 1707. Histoire de Diables de Loudun, ou de la Possession des Religieuses Ursulines, et de la condemnation et du suplice d'Urbain Grandier, Cure de la meme ville. Cruels effets de la Vengeance du Cardinal de Richelieu. A Amsterdam Aux depens de la Compagnie. A view of the Invisible World, or General History of Apparitions.

Le mépris des choses religieuses était naturel, et l'exemple partait de haut. Un des frères du roi, le duc de Cambridge, s'était fait une spécialité dans l'irrévérence, en se créant pour lui seul une liturgie, et en répondant personnellement

This work, which appeared in times when the attention was engrossed by political events, is sometimes confounded with another by the same author, called l'Importance des Opinions Religieuses, which has had the most brilliant success. But I dare affirm, that the former is my father's most eloquent work.

With hands under their gray sleeves two white-bonneted religieuses turned into Bourbon Street and rang the Chapdelaines' street bell. Mlle. Yvonne flutteringly let them into the garden, Mlle. Corinne into the house. The conversation was in English, for, though Sister Constance was French, Sister St. Anne, young, fair, and the chief speaker, was Irish.

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