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Updated: August 9, 2024

No, I never makes a superior officer jealous; an' wid that he takes out his rag an' mops th' dent in th' top av his head where there's no hair nor nothin' but grease, an' he draws out his little pestiverous vial av peppermint salts an' sniffs. "'Faith, an' ye'll need to clear yer old head, ye owld raskil, ye've been too gay fer onct, says O'Toole.

"Iss, but you won't do it, though," returned Joan, "'cos there ain't no manin' in what he says, you knaw. 'Tis only what he's told up to scores and hunderds o' other maidens afore, the rapskallion-rogued raskil! And that Adam knaws, and's had it in his mind from' fust along what game he was after. Us two knaws un for what he is, my dear wan best loved where he's least trusted."

He refused to accept Wicker Bonner's theory that they were safe in the city of New York. It was his own opinion that they were still in the neighbourhood, waiting for a chance to exhume the body of Davy's mother and make off with it. "Don't try to tell me, Mr. Bonner, that even a raskil like him hasn't any love fer his mother," he contended.

He did so it's the truth I'm tellin' ye, that's the very way he said it." "I'll show him different then," repeated Peter. "I wisht I'd thought of it first off the way he'd have seen it." "An' what's that, sir?" "You'll soon see. 'Pon me word, I wisht I had him there now in his bed, the ould raskil, the way I could do on him what he's wishin' his spalpeen of a son had done on me.

"What you say to dat feller? you raskil! you white slabe! Come 'long home!" cried Peter the Great, seizing Foster by the collar and dragging him forcibly away, at the same time administering several kicks so violent that his entire frame seemed to be dislocated, while the janissaries burst into a laugh at the big negro's seeming fury. "Oh!

Whang him! An' I thought th' old raskil would die av laffin'. "We ware crowdin' around thim to see th' fun, an' th' way that old gal whanged an' lammed, an' lammed an' whanged, wud have brung tears to yer eyes.

Thin he takes hold av th' thing an' lifts fer th' good av his soul. Nary a inch does it move. "'I wud have opened it, but I heard th' captin's order not to disturb th' charts atop av it, sez I. "'Ye would, ye thafe, sez he. 'An' if ye had, inter irons would ye go fer th' raskil ye are. I never thought ye ware so bad, Chips, sez he.

"It was interesting for a few minutes," I answered. "I hope you fixed the fellow's irons all right. Keys seem to have strange ways aboard this vessel." "Well, ye needn't be afear'd av th' raskil takin' leave ag'in. Sure, an' I riveted his irons this time, as will take a file an' no less to cut through.

Of course this made his face very plain to the audience, as Tom turned the crank of the reproducing machine. "Why, it's a colored man!" cried Ned in surprise. "Yes, I guess it's only an ordinary chicken thief, after all," remarked Tom. There was a gasp from Eradicate. "Fo' de land sakes!" he cried. "De raskil! Ef dat ain't mah own second cousin, what libs down by de ribber!

We were all, therefore, giving him up for lost, when, suddenly Pedro Carvalho, who, it may be remembered, bore no friendly feeling towards the cook, called out from the pantry window whence, through the jalousies, or open shutters, he could survey a portion of the main-deck. "Diante de Deos!" he exclaimed, "dere is dat raskil Ching Wang yondare, chummy chumming and chin chinning does peerats.

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