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Updated: August 9, 2024

In this council the "chief matron" of the family, a noble dame whose position and right were well defined, had the deciding voice. Des que l'arbre est tombe, il fault, disent ils, le relever. Elle n'a pas toujours egard au droit d'ainesse, et d'ordinaire, elle prend celui qui paroit le plus propre a soutenir ce rang par ses bonnes qualites."

The hospitality he gave to all attempts at definite communications, however vague and shadowy at first; the infinite patience with which he repeated again and again a question not fully comprehended all this, combined with intelligent criticism, alert, dispassionate judgment and balance of mind, made an investigator of psychic phenomena very rarely to be met in a world where most of us evince in a marked degree "les défauts de nos qualités."

"Une belle femme qui a les qualités d'un honnête homme est-ce qu'il y a au monde d'un commerce plus delicieux; l'on trouve en elle tout le mérite des deux sexes." "In the heart of the best woman," says a German writer, "there glows a shovelful, at least, of infernal embers; in that of the worst, there is a little corner of Paradise."

We have all 'les défauts de nos qualités. This is just the sort of argument that the Deists used in the last century, insisting that a revelation, properly so called, must be presented with conclusive proofs, must be universal, must be complete, and drawing the conclusion that Christianity is not such a revelation. This kind of reasoning has received its sentence once for all from Bishop Butler.

She had the inevitable défauts de ses qualités. The sense of duty was as prominent a feature of her soul as a hump on her long straight back would have been, but toleration was inconspicuous. She ran straight herself, and though she could forgive deviations on the part of others, she could not forget them.

All change and all imperfection belongs only to the beings constituting Brahman's body, and Brahman itself is thus proved to be free from all imperfection, a treasure as it were of all imaginable holy qualites. This point will be further elucidated under II, 1, 22.

Quoique mon unique objet dans cet article n'ait ete que de traiter de la cause physique de l'entretien de la vie des etres organiques, malgre cela j'ai ose avancer en debutant, que l'existence de ces etres etonnants n'appartiennent nullement a la nature; que tout ce qu'on peut entendre par le mot nature, ne pouvoit donner la vie, c'est-a-dire, que toutes les qualites de la matiere, jointes a toutes les circonstances possibles, et meme a l'activite repandue dans l'univers, ne pouvaient point produire un etre muni du mouvement organique, capable de reproduire son semblable, et sujet a la mort.

Could men with such vacuous grins, such an air of imbecile good-nature, be capable of acting wisely in any terrible crisis? could they have nerve and readiness, quickness, decision, all those grand qualites which are needed by the seaman who has to contend with the fury of the elements? Mr. Smithson and his guests had breakfasted too late for the possibility of luncheon.

It may well have been that James in his own private soul had no more desire for such a tremendous step than the nobles who struggled to the last against it. But he had les défauts de ses qualités in a high degree. He was nothing if not a knight of romance. And though, as the poet has said "His own Queen Margaret, who in Lithgow's bower All silent sat, and wept the weary hour,"

Lady Isabel had if the saying may be reversed "les qualités de ses défauts," and these latter could have no environment less critical and more congenial than that in which it had pleased her mother to place her.

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