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Updated: August 8, 2024

"Mebbe 'tis a clue. But I reckon it's what them magazine deteckatifs call a blind clue. Haw! haw! haw! An' afore ye git anywhere with it, it'll proberbly go on crutches an' be deef an' dumb inter the bargain!" Massey did not look as though he enjoyed these gibes much. "I'll go down an' see Joe," he grunted. "Mebbe he'll know something about it."

"Only a dollar?" repeated the girl thoughtfully. The old man's face flushed a little, and he said tartly: "I reckon that did him no good. By the looks of his face when he went through here Sunday night he'd proberbly spent it all in liquor, I sh'd say." "Oh, no! I didn't mean to criticize your generosity," Janice said quickly. "I believe you gave him more than was good for him. I know that Mrs.

There's a better time comin' for her thanks be!" "Oh!" "Doctor says she can't live out th' Summer. She's goin' ter miss growin' up ter be what I be an' what Sophie'll proberbly be. It's a mercy. But it's hard ter part 'ith the little thing. When she is bright, she's that cunnin'!"

Proberbly there was ha'f a dozen other folks hangin' abeout the schoolhouse, too, at jest the time the coin collection was stole; but they ain't remembered 'cause they didn't up and tell on themselves." "Oh, Walky!" gasped the girl, startled by the suggestion. "Wal," drawled the expressman, in continuation, "that ain't no good to us, for nobody had a key to the door but him and Benny Thread."

Crackey! it don't matter what they have," declared this careless boy, "as long as 'tain't lessons." "Lectures?" repeated Walky. "Do tell! What sort of lectures?" "I heard Mr. Haley say the first one would proberbly be illustrated by a collection of rare coins some rich feller's lent the State School Board. He says the coins are worth thousands of dollars." "Lectures on coins?" cackled Walky.

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