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Updated: August 27, 2024

'Post' is the Latin 'positus, that which is placed; the piece of timber is 'placed' in the ground, and so a 'post'; a military station is a 'post, for a man is 'placed' in it, and must not quit it without orders; to travel 'post, is to have certain relays of horses ''placed' at intervals, that so no delay on the road may occur; the 'post '-office avails itself of this mode of communication; to 'post' a ledger is to 'place' or register its several items.

Christus, aut fidei fundamenta sustentat aut in angulo positus duorum parietum membra aequata moderatione conjungit, i.e., Veteris et Novi Testamenti in unum colligit gentes." De Errore profan. Religionum, chap. xxi. This permanence of position was also attributed to those cubical stones among the Romans which represented the statues of the god Terminus.

Another difference in words which is very noticeable, running through the inscriptions, is that of depositus, used by the Christians to signify the laying away in the grave, in place of the heathen words situs, positus, sepultus, conditus.

And surely to one who had approached her in the dawn, while it was yet dark, of the ninth century, of mediaeval Europe that is, her words would have been those of the angels so long ago: Non est hic; sed surrexit. While to us to-day she would say: Venite et videte locum ubi positus erat Dominus. Ravenna, as we see her to-day, is like no other city in Italy.

'He was, he says, 'confined to a bed which had no sheets; here, to procure food, he wrote; his posture sitting up in bed, his only covering a blanket, in which a hole was made to admit of the employment of his arm. Two years later Boyse wrote the following verses to Cave from a spunging-house: 'Hodie, teste coelo summo, Sine pane, sine nummo, Sorte positus infeste, Scribo tibi dolens moeste.

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