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Updated: August 21, 2024

Is it near the William Kennedys?" "I don't think I know the William Kennedys." This is the way the conversation goes on for ten minutes. Both Mr. Sedley and Miss Smiles are getting desperate. Their faces are fixed. Their sentences are reduced to "Do you know the Petersons?" "No. Do you know the Appleby's?" "No. Do you know the Willie Johnsons?" "No." Then at last comes a rift in the clouds.

This was merely another of Andy's methods, and it always impressed his hearers in a marked degree. "But what about that chap who was working for old Squabbles?" Billy Dexter asked. "He seems to be mixed up somehow with the affair. He spends most of his time now at the falls with the engineers. I understand that he was the one who got the Petersons to take in Crazy David and that girl, Betty Bean."

N. B. He is a cousin to a family of Petersons, which was the name of the husband of my sister-in-law; so there is room to hope it may be worth more than be reports. 10th November, 10 A.M. May God pardon all our sins!

Especially careful was this search as they neared the Haven but not a trace of him could they find. The Petersons were greatly concerned over the missing man. The captain suggested that the neighbours should be notified and a search-party should start out at once. As this seemed the only thing to do, Jasper hurried to the village and aroused Andy Forbes from his slumbers.

I guess Captain Peterson must have some money laid by, for he does nothing but work in his garden and look after his hens, cow and pig." When, however, the Captain was stricken with partial paralysis and was unable to work, the belief became general that he certainly did have considerable money laid away. The Petersons' house was as neat and cosy as hands could make it.

"Pretty well mussed up, I guess, and stunned. Shouldn't wonder if I found a heap o' bruises around me somewhere but no bones broke. You see," she added, as though imparting a great secret, "the Sandersons' bones jest never was made to break. Now, there was our cousins the Petersons they was different. One o' that family wouldn't dare waggle his finger too hard for fear it would bust on him.

You see, they was just naturally made that way. My son, Willie," here the brave voice lowered a trifle and tears rose to the bright old eyes, "he used to call them in fun always jokin', that boy was the Break-bone Petersons." "But are you sure you aren't hurt?" Betty insisted, still with that curious feeling of having the wind taken out of her sails.

Two heads are better than one after all, are they not?" "Isn't this lovely!" Betty exclaimed, as she stood in the middle of the large room which had been assigned to David. It was the second day since their arrival at the Petersons' house, and their delight at everything was not only amusing to Mrs. Peterson but somewhat pathetic as well.

N. B. He is a cousin to a family of Petersons, which was the name of the husband of my sister-in-law; so there is room to hope it may be worth more than he reports. 10th November, 10 A.M. May God pardon all our sins!

He might hear something about Lois from the Petersons, so he thought, and that would be some comfort. Jasper lived in a small snug log cabin which he had built for his own special use. He wished to be alone as much as possible each night that he might think over the work for the next day, and also have quietness for reading.

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