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Updated: August 19, 2024

Next an' last, if he should 'appen to find room for a look astern at the banks, it might vex 'im bein' the best o' men as well as the cleverest to notice that he 'adn't left no banks, to speak of. Not that 'twould matter to 'im pers'nally 'avin' no further use for 'em."

"Pers'nally," McGuffey announced quietly, "I prefer to die aboard the Maggie, if I have to. This ain't movin' day with B. McGuffey, Esquire." "Them's my sentiments, too, Scraggsy." "Then defend yourselves. Come on, lads. Bear a hand an' we'll bounce these muckers overboard."

"I've read about it!..." "Well, that's livin' in sin, that is. Pers'nally, I down't see wot diff'rence it mykes. They be'ave about the syme, married or not. 'E's a bit more lovin', per'aps, than a 'usband, but otherwise it's about the syme!" The bluntness of Lizzie's speech disconcerted him, and yet the simplicity of it reassured him.

"That doesn't matter. The title needn't have anything to do with it. Very few titles have anything to do with the piece. So long as they're snappy, that's all you need think about. Pers'nally, I like The Guilty Woman myself; but Dolly's keen on The Sinful Woman. And that just reminds me, Mac! Here's a tip for you. Always have Woman in your title if you can.

That's what it wants. And a little bit of vulgarity. Oh, not too much. Of course not. But it doesn't do to overlook vulgarity, Mac. We've all got a bit of it in us, and pers'nally, I see no harm in it, pro-vided ... pro-vided, mind you ... that it's comic. That's the only excuse for vulgarity ... that it's comic. Now, the first thing is the title!" Mr.

An' if I was you, I'd find out how much o' this two thousand dollars' towage he's goin' to distribute to his crew. Pers'nally I'd get mine in advance." "Adelbert P. Gibney," Captain Scraggs hissed. "There's such a thing as drivin' a man to distraction. Halvorsen, are you with me?" "Aye bane for saxty dollars. Hay bane worth a month's pay for take dat swim." "You dirty Scowegian ingrate.

Pers'nally you got a lot o' fine p'ints an' I like you, but now that I know your past " He threw out his hands despairingly. "It's your morals, Gib, it's your blasted morals." "You're right, Scraggs," Mr. Gibney mumbled brokenly. "It's my duty to go look up them poor children o' mine. Bart, you stick by old Scraggsy.

"Hiram," he blurted, "you listen to this: 'Pers'nally appeared before me this fifteenth day of September Charles Gammon, of Smyrna, and deposes and declares that by divers arts, charms, spells, and magic, incantations, and evil hocus-pocus, one one " "Arizima," prompted Mr. Gammon, mournfully.

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