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Updated: August 23, 2024

I pinted out the metafor to Josiah. "Isle of Happiness?" he sez, sort o' dreamy like. "That's right. Serenus sez its everywhere, all over the place." "What place?" sez I, suspicion darkenin' my foretop. "Why, Coney Island," sez he, "that's the only Isle of Happiness I ever hearn tell on." I gin him a look.

"Would you compare Coney Island with the beautiful Isle of Happiness that the poets sing on?" I sez, severe like. "Where is it?" sez he. "Why," sez I, "It ain't ennywheres. Its a metafor of the brain." "Is it ketchin'?" sez he. "Seems to me I've hearn tell of that disease before!"

Sez Elder Wessel, "That is a strong metafor, Sister Arvilly. I had never looked at it in that light before." "I presume so," sez she. "The very reason why there are so many cryin' abuses to-day is because good men spend their strength in writin' eloquent sermons aginst sin, and lettin' it alone, instead of grapplin' with it at the ballot box.

I mentioned the metafor to Josiah and he sez, "Yes, it minds me of the man who was brought up before the judge by his wife. She complained he hadn't spoke to her for five years.

And of course I stood ready and follered it up with eloquent arguments, tenderness and the very best of vittles. Neither on 'em could carried the day alone, but all together conquered. He gin in. The plan tottered over and fell onto him, and my pardner, to continue the metafor, lay under the ruins as squshed and mute as if he wuz never goin' to git up agin.

The noble, harmonious beauty of this room strikes you as you first enter, some as it would if you come up sudden out of the woods, a-facin' a gorgeous sunset or sunrisin', I guess, would be a suitabler metafor. The colorin' of this room is ivory and gold, in delicate and beautiful designs. But the pictures that cover the walls adds the bright tints neccessary to make the hull picture perfect.

Why, to change my metafor a little about the bigness of this buildin', so's to let foreign nations git a little clearer idee of the size on't, I will state This one house is bigger than all those of Jonesville, and Loontown, and Shackville, and Zoar. It is the biggest house on this planet.

I guess that hain't a very good metafor, and if I wuzn't in such a hurry I'd look round and try to find a better one, not knowin', too, but what that Jury of Admittance will feel mad as hens at me to be compared to sieves; but I don't mean the common wire ones, such as tin-peddlers sell.

Maggie couldn't come herself, she wuzn't feelin' strong enough, and Thomas J. won't leave her, specially if anything ails her, no indeed! he jest worships her, and visey versey she him. I can't deny my first thought on readin' the letter wuz, another straw to be laid on the back of the camel, meanin' myself in metafor.

It is elaborate and gorgeous-lookin' in the extreme, and the gorgeousness a-differin' from our gorgeousness as one star differeth from a rutabaga turnip. Not that I mean any disrespect to Japan or the United States by the metafor, but I had to use a strong one to show off the difference.

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