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Updated: August 1, 2024

What Napoleon had said of Metternich he no doubt remembered: "Il ment trop. Il faut mentir quelquefois, mais mentir tout le temps c'est trop!" for he adopted quite the opposite policy in his own diplomatic dealings. In 1855 he became a member of the upper house of Prussia, and in 1859 is sent as minister to St. Petersburg.

This carriage was a very fine one, and in it sat three of the ugliest, dowdiest, worst dressed females I ever saw. We three girls sat in our rough carriage as comfortable as could be, dressed well, we could not have been dressed better and looking our very best. Sans mentir, I think the Confederates were much the most respectable.

The French, as I said before, have good reason to say that il n'est permis qu'aux medecins de mentir, and Delme certainly justified the deception, if there was any; but he had at last more fortitude or resolution as I hear than was expected. I hope that Lady Betty will be reconciled to her change of life; there must have been one inevitably, and, perhaps, that not less disagreeable.

But I was there, thank God; and he was so surprised and rejoiced when he greeted me that his whole face was illuminated. But he only said, "Thank you. Bon sang ne peut mentir." We had twenty-four hours to take comfort and counsel together. It was well that I was with him. Everybody called, and everybody regretted, except our Consul- General, who cut us.

Miss Willoughby then said farewell, having an engagement at the Record Office, where, as the Earl gallantly observed, she would 'make a sunshine in a shady place. When she had gone, the Earl observed, 'Bon sang ne peut pas mentir! To think of that beautiful creature condemned to waste her lovely eyes on faded ink and yellow papers!

Palmer; or at least without more than a vis, or a morning visit, from which no great danger could be apprehended. "Few, indeed, have so much character," thought she, "or so much dexterity in showing it, as to make a dangerous impression in the course of a formal morning visit." "Ah! c'est mentir tant soit peu; j'en conviens; C'est un grand mal mais il produit un bien."

Another place which especially attracted me was the house of General Ignatieff, formerly ambassador at Constantinople, where, on account of his alleged want of scruples in bringing on the war with Russia, he received the nickname "Mentir Pasha."

[Footnote 17: 'La nécessité de mentir pour désavouer un ouvrage est une extrémité qui répugne également

The general acceptability of the young Louisianian is undoubted. His blood, creed, and manners prove him worthy of the old Valois family. Their past glories are well known to Philip Hardin. "Bon sang ne peut mentir." Hardin's legal position places him high in the turmoils of the litigations of the great Mexican grants.

She was sure that he must have heard that last speech of hers about visiting Maule in his chambers. Well, she didn't care. Besides Colin hadn't the smallest right to resent any action of hers before her marriage... She did not turn a hair. Maule admired her composure. 'BON SANG NE PEUT MENTIR, he thought to himself, and wished they had been talking in French.

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