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Updated: August 19, 2024

She was a little thin woman, but tough as Inger rubber, and smart as a steel trap; and there warn't a hen laid an egg, or cackled, but Mis' Carryl was right there to see about it; and she hed the garden made in the spring, and the medders mowed in summer, and the cider made, and the corn husked, and the apples got in the fall; and the doctor, he hedn't nothin' to do but jest sit stock still a meditatin' on Jerusalem and Jericho and them things that ministers think about.

"I mind the time Jake Hazlett and his crew was drowned at the 'Wild Goose. It seems the coroner was already there a settin' on a corp' that had come up in the eddy. 'Go on through, boys! he hollers to 'em, 'I'll wait for you down below. It'll save me another trip from Medders'." Bruce worked on, apparently unperturbed by these discouraging reminiscences.

But in the silence that followed, the passions had not yet evidently cooled. It was broken by the sarcastic drawl of Dick McKinstry: "If them Harrisons don't mind heven had their medders trampled over by a few white men, why" "The sheriff ez 'demnified for that," interrupted Uncle Ben hastily.

Who knows the language of the liquid waves as they whisper to each other on sunny beaches and at the meetin' of placid waters, makin' love to each other like as not one tellin' the other of the sweet cow-slip and ferny medders it had to leave at the loud call of its love, the River. The River murmuring back deep words of worship and gratitude at the feet of its newly arrived love.

"There's a path certainly from stile to stile, but it only leads to my farrest medder, and though I never says nothing to nobody who thinks it's a nice walk down there by the river to fish or pick flowers or what not, though they often tramples my medder grass in a way as is sorrowful to see, they're my medders, and the writing's in my strong-box, and not a shilling on 'em.

'You here, Ned? he said, stopping, the pastoral temper in him reasserting itself at once. 'Why aren't you harvesting? 'Please, sir, I finished with the Hall medders yesterday, and Mr. Carter's job don't begin till to-morrow. He's got a machine coming from Witley, he hev, and they won't let him have it till Thursday, so I've been out after things for the club.

"Then you won't be coming up yourself?" Doctor Barnes was making ready to depart when Sim Gage came in at the gate with his load of logs. They exchanged greetings, Sim regarding his visitor rather closely. "We've just got back from fishing," said Doctor Barnes. "Yes, I seen you both, down in the medders." "We had one grand time, brother. Look here." He opened the lid of his basket.

You know they are seven-day Baptisses over in Loontown and Shackville; but Josiah sez if them two Powers got together and tried to force Loonton and Shackville civilization and ways onto Jonesville, which is a older place and glad to be kinder settled down and mind its own bizness; and if they should try to build roads through Jonesville medders and berry lots and set up their tabernacles and manufacturys there and steal right and left and divide Jonesville into pieces and divide the pieces amongst 'em, why, sez he, 'I would arm myself and Ury and fight to the bitter hind end.

Does Mr Brownsmith know?" "Oh! yes, he knows. I like 'em. I eat frogs once. Ain't fish good? I ketch 'em in the medders." "Where you saved me when I was drowning?" I said hastily.

"Tuk me prisoner over there 'n the woods thet day," said he, sinking into a chair and leaning forward, his head on his hands. "They tuk 'n' they toted me over t' Canady, an' I tuk 'n' got away, 'n' they efter me. Killed one on 'em thet was chasin' uv me over 'n the Beaver medders on the bog trail. Hoss got t' wallerin' so he hed t' come down.

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