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Updated: August 19, 2024

The scene of L'Étranger is laid in France, by the sea, whose murmuring calm we hear in a symphonic introduction. The fishermen are coming back to port; the fishing has been bad. But one among them, "a man about forty years old, with a sad and dignified air," has been more fortunate than the others. The fishermen envy him, and vaguely suspect him of sorcery.

In addition to branches called "filial banks" throughout Belgium, it also controls the powerful "Banque pour l'Etranger," which is established in London, Paris, New York, Cairo, and the Far East. One distinctive feature of the Société Generale is its close alliance with the Government.

'There is a little space behind the church of St Jacques, M. l'Etranger, I said, putting on my hat and taking my cloak on my arm. 'Doubtless you will accompany me thither? He snatched up his hat, his face burning with shame and rage. 'With pleasure! he blurted out. 'To the devil, if you like!

He's like an actor made up for a Western millionaire. Do you remember that American in 'L'Etranger' which Bernhardt did in Boston when she first came? He, looks exactly like that, and he has the worst manners. He stood talking to me with his hat on, and a toothpick in his mouth; and he made me feel as if he had bought me, along with Burnamy, and had paid too much.

Nothing helps one to grasp the essence of M. d'Indy's personality more than his last dramatic work. His personality shows itself plainly in all his compositions, but nowhere is it more evident than in L'Étranger. Poem and music by M. Vincent d'Indy. Played for the first time at Brussels in the Théâtre de la Monnaie, 7 January, 1903.

Instead of repeating anything I had taught her, she began in French: "Marie, enfant, quitte l'ouvrage, Voici l'etoille du berger." "Ma mere, un enfant du village Languit captif chez l'etranger; Pris sur mer, loin de sa patrie, Il c'est rendu, mais le dernier." File, file, pauvre Marie, Pour secourir le prisonnier; File, file, pauvre Marie, File, file, pour le prisonnier.

Vous avez pose, Monsieur, le sublime probleme, "Comment se prennentelles les demoiselles anglaises pour sentir toujours le caoutchouc?" En premier lieu, Monsieur, elles ne "smell of india-rubber" quand elles se trouvent chez elles, dans les bouges infectes qu'on appelle les "stately homes of England." C'est seulement a l'etranger que nous repandons l'odeur saine et rejouissante de caoutchouc.

The dramatic parts of the opera suggest nothing but a brilliant exercise in the Wagnerian style, but in the lyrica scenes, such as the last act in its entirety, there are evidences of an individuality of conspicuous power and originality. 'L'Étranger' hardly bore out the promise of 'Fervaal, in spite of much clever musicianship.

He's like an actor made up for a Western millionaire. Do you remember that American in 'L'Etranger' which Bernhardt did in Boston when she first came? He, looks exactly like that, and he has the worst manners. He stood talking to me with his hat on, and a toothpick in his mouth; and he made me feel as if he had bought me, along with Burnamy, and had paid too much.

Then the second sparrow is introduced and his quarrel with the first. The cat fires up Le moineau du voisin viendra manger le nôtre? Non, de par tous les chats! Entrant lors au combat, Il croque l'étranger. Vraiment, dit maître chat, Les moineaux ont un gout exquis et délicat! And now in one line the story ends Cette réflexion fit aussi croquer l'autre.

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