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Updated: August 29, 2024

"It is his wife that I would not go with." "O, uncle George!" exclaimed Rollo again. Rollo was very much surprised at hearing this declaration; and it was very natural that he should be surprised, for Mrs. Parkman was a young and beautiful lady, and she was very kindhearted and very amiable in her disposition. Mr. Parkman, too, was very young. He had been one of Mr. George's college classmates.

A sorrowful majesty, that had something in it of pity and something of anger, gave to her countenance, her movements, and even her speech, a kind of authority. "Dear mother, do as the beloved and kindhearted Ruth did. Like you, she married one not of her race and not of her religion.

He played truant whenever he could, for he was a kindhearted boy, and could not bear to think of a master's time and labor being thrown away on a boy like himself who did not wish to learn, only to find out when there were so many worthy lads thirsting for instruction in geography and history and reading and ciphering, and Mr. Smiles's "Self-Help."

Her face always bore the marks of her labors, and from it one could gather whether she was among the pots or busy with the baking. But she was kindhearted, and, up to her light, sought to fill the place left empty by the death of the wife and mother in that home, ten years before. When the minister's wife opened the door, a hot, close, foul smell rushed forth to meet her.

He did not like the ladies very much, and the faults which he observed in them, from time to time, he was prone to condemn much too harshly. The reason why Mr. George did not like his friend Mr. Parkman's young wife was not because of any want of natural attractiveness in her person, or of amiableness in her disposition, for she was beautiful, accomplished, and kindhearted.

Wherever one of them might chance to meet us, even if it were in the street, he would say: "Poor little orphans! God be good to the fatherless!" and tears would sparkle in the eyes of many a kindhearted woman.

Bremner's humble position, but she loved her after her own feeble fashion, and, although she would willingly have avoided her upon occasion, went not unfrequently to the castle to see her; for the kindhearted woman spoiled her.

She saw the false prince coming out of the palace, taking the knightly armor from the servant, and Prince Kindhearted entering the stable to rest. The next morning, the old king, seeing his land freed from the enemies, felt very happy, and gave the prince many rich presents.

"An' the funny part is," said Jim Weatherby, "that you can't dislike Will Fletcher, however much you try. He's a kindhearted, jolly fellow, in spite of the devil." "Or in spite of Mr. Christopher," added Tom, with a guffaw. Frowning heavily, Christopher turned toward the door. "Oh, you ask Will Fletcher who is his best friend," he said, "and let me hear his answer."

Then he would jump from the bench, snatch the wheel from me, and meet her himself, pouring out wrath upon me all the time. George Ritchie was the other pilot's cub. He was having good times now; for his boss, George Ealer, was as kindhearted as Brown wasn't.

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