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Updated: August 2, 2024

This we had all been longing to hear; and Captain Farmer now translated it word for word for the benefit of the doctor and Mr Jellaby, who, as I have already said, did not understand the original Spanish in which it was rendered.

Just then the captain came in, followed by Lieutenant Jellaby, to make inquiries, the doctor having reported his patient convalescent. "El capitano this is the Captain," said I, to attract his attention to the new arrivals as they advanced up to his chair. "El capitano del nostro buque the captain of our ship!"

He had also white eyelashes, and spoke in a thin, hesitating voice, with a timid manner, as if very nervous and uncertain of his footing. "A-hem," he began, with a slight affected cough of introduction. "I be believe I'm addressing Mr ?" "Jellaby is my name, sir," said the lieutenant, filling up the hiatus in his speech and bowing politely. "Joe Jellaby, at your service.

"He ought to have given that order when the to'gallants were taken in!" "Better late than never, say I," said Mr Jellaby, laughing, as the topmen raced up the ratlines and the weather braces were rounded-in, preparatory to reefing. "Really, Stormcock, you're the most inveterate growler I have come across in the service since first I went to sea, by Jove!"

I also observed on the poop the Reverend Mr Smythe and "Joe" Jellaby, who had contrived to secure sufficient snoozing, during the odd moments when he was off duty since the morning, to make up for the sleep he had lost by going to the admiral's ball and there meeting the witching houri of his dreams, "that chawming gurl," who had subsequently prevented him from taking his proper rest when he came aboard in the small hours of the middle watch.

But, at last, the signal was given. "Heave round!" snouted Mr Jellaby from the extreme fore-end of the lower deck, where he had been bustling up the topmen and seeing to the messenger being properly attached to the cable. "Heave round," also cried Sylvester, one of the midshipmen with him.

"Come, come, you fellows there, I can't allow such language on board this ship," sang out from the poop Lieutenant Jellaby, the officer of the watch, when matters had come to this pass. "Ship's corporal, bring those men here!"

If this were done the number of pilgrims to this holy shrine would be doubled, and the best results would follow." "Oh, Mrs. Jellaby, where art thou?" thought Mike, and he boldly took advantage of the elaborate preparations that were being made for Sir Joseph to write his name on a fan, to move round the table and take a seat by Lily. But Frank's patience was exhausted, and he rose to leave.

"Mr Jellaby had better go in charge of the boat, sir, I should think," suggested the commander. "There's a bit of a sea running and I don't like sending a midshipman in such a case; for, you know, sir, we cannot expect old heads on young shoulders." "All right, Nesbitt," replied the captain; "do as you like."

Mr Jellaby, I noticed, inconstant fellow that he was, payed attentions of the most marked character on this occasion, all the time the festivities lasted to a Cape damsel of the most slender figure, contrasting strongly with the stout lady who was his former flame and who had come off especially, so the wardroom officers said in their chaff, to renew her attack on the heart of the lieutenant.

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