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Updated: August 3, 2024

You must not return to the Peninsula at least not yet awhile; the disgust of life may be strong at twenty, but it's not lasting; besides, Charley," here his voice faltered slightly, "his wishes you'll not treat lightly. Read this." As he spoke, he took a blotted and ill-written letter from his breast-pocket, and handed it to me.

Lady Sydney grew angry, and said, "an old man should not put such things in young people's heads." She had no notion of a joke, Sir; had come late into life, and had a mighty unpliable understanding. 'Carte's Life of the Duke of Ormond is considered as a book of authority; but it is ill-written. The matter is diffused in too many words; there is no animation, no compression, no vigour.

Druse, however, had thought it, if a trifle dirty, a very magnificent and desirable dwelling. The entrance floor was tesselated with diamonds of blue and white; there was a row of little brass knobs and letter-boxes, with ill-written names or printed cards stuck askew in the openings above them. Druse did not guess their uses at first, how should she?

At any rate, one day he brought a paper, so ill-written that it could hardly be read, and thrust it with a pen into Angélique's hand, saying, 'Sign this, my daughter. The girl did not dare to refuse, or even to question her father, though she did manage to make out a word or two, which showed her that the paper contained a renewal of the vows she so bitterly regretted.

Let's open it first: big envelope, ill-written address, Paris postmark. Hallo! a smaller envelope inside, and on it: ANTOINE AND MARIE PLUMET. Poor souls! they have no visiting-cards. But kind hearts are more than pasteboard. Ten months ago little Madame Plumet, then still unmarried, was in a terrible bother.

Philip Slotman sat in his office; he was slowly deciphering a letter, ill-written and badly spelled. "According to promise I am writing to you hopeing it finds you as it leaves me at present. Dear sir, having some news I am writing to tell you saime. Yesterday Mr. John Everard of Buddesby was here and him and Miss Jone was in the garden for a long time.

"Is it fair to ask what this is?" "Something easy to feel, and hard to express," Ovid answered. "These ill-written lines are my offering of gratitude to the memory of an unknown and unhappy man." "The man you told me of, who died at Montreal?" "Yes." "You never mentioned his name." "His last wishes forbade me to mention it to any living creature.

In that ill-written, ragged book, "The Pirate," the figure of Cleveland cast up by the sea on the resounding foreland of Dunrossness moving, with the blood on his hands and the Spanish words on his tongue, among the simple islanders singing a serenade under the window of his Shetland mistress is conceived in the very highest manner of romantic invention.

She sat down and gazed at the envelope, fingering it stupidly. At last she pulled herself together and opened it. The letter was dirty, ill-written, badly spelt; but so are many of the finest-spirited letters of these days. 'If you are wanting a perfeck man, by yourself a statute from the muesum.

The paper bore a scrawl in pencil, ill-written, but decipherable 'Mrs Tresize at Landeweddy. 48. White gate, entrance back. By Celler. Mem. I large chest. To be handled quick and hidn in orchd if necessry. Reported good money, but near. No help here but 1 servt maid.

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