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Updated: July 31, 2024

A man may be the father of a large and thriving family and yet be as destitute patriarchally as if he had not a child to his name. His offspring may be of the wrong sex; they may all be girls. In this untoward event the father has something more on his hands than merely a houseful of daughters to dispose of.

When only the family were at dinner, the fact was written down in the diary with great care as an unusual event, for Washington was the soul of hospitality, and although he kept early hours, he loved society and a houseful of people.

And look what she give me for breakfast the heel of a loaf and a cup of coffee, and her with a dollar!" "It's fierce," said Ragsy. "Say we go up and punch 'er and stick a towel in 'er mouth and cop the coin" suggested Kidd, viciously. "Y' ain't afraid of a woman, are you?" "She might holler and have us pinched," demurred Ragsy. "I don't believe in slugging no woman in a houseful of people."

With such a houseful of people, the cook was worked to the bone; but she gloried in it, and cackled harder than ever. I believe she gave warning twice during those ten days; but Polly has a way with her which Mary cannot resist. I do not think we could have driven that cook out of the house with a club when there was such an opportunity for her to distinguish herself.

Martin Lavosse danced ever so many times with me, but he moaned about Marie, and I said, 'By the time thou art old enough to marry she will have a houseful of babies, perhaps she will give you her first daughter, and he replied, 'I shall not wait that length of time.

The villagers formed two ranks, and when the children appeared, each family took possession of their own. The whole houseful of women caught hold of Constance, surrounded her and kissed her, and Rosa was especially demonstrative.

"Well, Imogene's capable enough, and she'll be here." "Yes." Silence for a time. Then Captain Obed spoke. "Thankful," he said, earnestly, "I know what's worryin' you. It's just what you said, the responsibility of it all. It's too much for you, the responsibility of handlin' this big house and a houseful of boarders when they come. You hadn't ought to do it alone.

The old well at Stone Ridge, for instance, had no place in his recital; and yet out of it sprang the history of his shorn generation. Had Paul's mother grown up in a houseful of brothers and sisters, governed by her mother instead of an old ignorant servant, in all likelihood she would have married differently more wisely but not perhaps so well, her son would loyally have maintained.

"I would much rather take a kiss from your honour," said she. "No girl likes to be disappointed and you have a smooth chin." I could not but tell her that in accepting a salute of the kind she little knew what risk she was running; to which she at once replied that a girl in her situation, with a houseful of French soldiers, was indifferent to common dangers.

It was not exactly an auspicious atmosphere in which to entertain a houseful of college boys and girls, all unversed in the ways of the West. The master of the ranch sought his sister Jean, to tell her frankly what was on his mind. "See here, Sis," he began, "I don't want to cast a cloud over your little house-party, but I think you'd better keep your friends away from my men."

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