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Updated: August 26, 2024

"You jus' listen," said the cook, in a hoarse whisper, as he opened his enormous eyes to their widest, "you jus' take a wine-glass de big 'un as your fadder be fond of an' put in 'im two teaspoonfuls o' vinegar, one tablespoonful o' parafine hoil, one leetle pinch o' pepper, an' one big pinch ob salt with a leetle mustard, an' give 'im dat.

Bago kep a shop in Smithfield market, and drov a taring good trade in the hoil and Italian way. I've heard him say, that he cleared no less than fifty pounds every year by letting his front room at hanging time. His winders looked right opsit Newgit, and many and many dozen chaps has he seen hanging there. Laws was laws in the year ten, and they screwed chaps' nex for nex to nothink.

When t' cockleet com, t' storm had fallen a bit, an' fowks gat out o' bed to see if owt had happened 'em. Slates, and mebbe a chimley or two, had bin rived off t' roofs, but t' beasts were all reight i' t' mistals, an' then they went up on to t' moors to look for t' sheep. When they got nigh Throp's farm, they noticed there was a gert hoil in his riggin' big enough for a man to get through.

By-and-bye I hears one on 'em give aat a hymn, and I clapped my ear t' th' key-hoil and listened for th' words, and then I put my maath to th' hoil and sang with 'em, and so I kept on until they began to pray. Then I listened, and shaated Amen through th' hoil, and kept on while iver they prayed.

There ain't nobody here to pay what that little hobjec's worth. Hoil it up with a drop of cold linseed and leave it all night, and then in the morning you rub it on yer trouser leg to shine it, and then rub it in the mud to dirty it, and then hoil it again and dirty it again, and you'll get 'arf a thick 'un for it as a genuwine hold antique. That's wot you do."

Fill high, boy, for my soul is thirsty for the Infinite! Get ready the bath, friends; prepare me for the feast To-morrow bathe my limbs in odors, and put ointment in my hair." "Has for a bath," Snoggin interposed, "they're not to be 'ad in this ward of the prison; but I dussay Hemmy will git you a little hoil for your 'air." The Prisoned One laughed loud and merrily.

If Misery sees him 'e can pretend to be goin' to the shop for some hoil. This was done. Bert went to the gate and returned almost immediately: the bike was gone. As the good news spread through the house a chorus of thanksgiving burst forth. 'Thank Gord! said one. 'Hope the b r falls orf and breaks 'is bloody neck, said another.

Two Boys at Grinder Brothers' Five or six half-grown larrikins sat on the cemented sill of the big window of Grinder Bros. Railway Coach Factory waiting for the work bell, and one of the number was Bill Anderson known as "Carstor Hoil" a young terror of fourteen or fifteen.

"Here, Carstor Hoil," cried one of the smiths' strikers, "how much oil will you take for a chew of terbaccer?" "Teaspoonful?" "No, two." "All right; let's see the chew, first." "Oh, you'll get it. What yer frighten' of?... Come on, chaps, 'n' see Bill drink oil." Bill measured out some machine oil and drank it.

I don't want you to make no mistakes. Bert took the paper and with some difficulty read as follows: I pare steppes 8 foot 1/2 gallon Plastor off perish 1 pale off witewosh 12 lbs wite led 1/2 gallon Linsede Hoil Do. Do. turps 'I can make it out all right. 'You'd better bring the big truck, said Crass, 'because I want you to take the venetian blinds with you on it when you take it back tonight.

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