Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 3, 2024

She had doffed her hat and, thrusting its hatpins through it, had laid it on her knees, so that, as Gerald had remarked, she looked rather like Brünhilde on her rocky couch. But, unlike Brünhilde, her hands were clasped behind her neck, and she looked up at the ceiling. 'A perfect little dear, she assented. 'Did you notice her eyes when she was talking about the foxes?

I enclosed the "something over" in another envelope, with a grateful line of refusal, and sent it back. Thus ends my experience as a motor maid! What was going to become of me I didn't know, but while I was jamming in hatpins and praying for ideas, there came a knock at the door.

"Was it Marcello?" she asked quietly enough, though her voice sounded a little dull. "No, dear," answered her mother. "It was Folco Corbario. I wrote to him some days ago and he came to see me. Marcello has left Paris. I did not know you had come home." Aurora sat down rather wearily, pulled out her hatpins, and laid her hat on her knee.

And Kate sheds hair ribbons and hatpins wherever she goes. Just think how lovely it is to have a pocket for each, and drop things in as fast as I find them. When I am all through dusting, I have simply to travel once around the house and unpack my load. I cannot tell you how much time and trouble and temper my invention has saved me." "It is a bright idea," I said, "and I mean to pass it on.

In the midst of hatpins at various angles he saw the little brooch which had disappeared from the death-chamber. The stone with the greenish reflection shone clearly against the blue and gold shot-silk of the pincushion; the portion of the clasp which was visible revealed the beginning of the scratched inscription of "Semper Fidelis."

Unfastening her coat, which she had kept on, she laid it on the sofa at her back, and then put up her hands to take out her hatpins. "I must pack my things," she said suddenly. "Will you engage my berth back to Dinwiddie for to-night?" He nodded without speaking, and she added hastily, "I shan't go down again before starting. But there is no need that you should go to the train with me."

They are almost tumbling over each other in their hurry to get away. They are putting on their jackets, pushing in their hatpins, and running along as if their dinner were running away from them. Something akin to that same attitude of rush we can see in any large city when the clerks come out of the shops, for their luncheon hour, or when the work of the day is over.

"But it's also a most picturesque old seaport, one of the oldest in America. You can see whaling vessels at the wharfs there, and wooden figure-heads, and harpoons " "Is this an expedition to dig up buried cities," interrupted Kinney, "or a pleasure trip? I don't want to see harpoons! I wouldn't know a harpoon if you stuck one into me. I prefer to see hatpins."

To-day Otto asked me for a keepsake. I offered him one of my hatpins. But he said no. He has taken instead the diamond buckle from my belt. I read his meaning. He means that I am to him as a diamond is to lesser natures. This Morning. Yesterday Otto asked me for another keepsake. I took a gold rouble from my bag and said that he should break it in half and that each should keep one of the halves.

Oleron heard the flurry of her skirts on his staircase and her single loud knock at his door when he had been a month in his new abode. Her garments brought in the outer air, and she flung a bundle of ladies' journals down on a chair. "Don't knock off for me," she said across a mouthful of large-headed hatpins as she removed her hat and veil.

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