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Updated: August 10, 2024

Where you going NOW? Going to run over that snag? 'Pull her DOWN! Don't you hear me? Pull her DOWN! 'There she goes! JUST as I expected! I TOLD you not to cramp that reef. G'way from the wheel! So I always had a rough time of it, no matter whose watch it was; and sometimes it seemed to me that Ritchie's good-natured badgering was pretty nearly as aggravating as Brown's dead-earnest nagging.

"Well, he carried 'em in his room, an' then he saw me lookin'; an' he said, 'G'way from here! an' shut the door. He looks so funny! What's he want of those ole baskets, mamma?" "I don't know. Perhaps he doesn't even know, himself, Jane." But William did know, definitely. He had set the baskets upon chairs, and now, with pale determination, he was proceeding to fill them.

"Miss Halliday," said Leviticus, lifting his beaver and bowing across the gate, "in response to yo' invite we O bless the Lawd my soul! is that my little Miss Barb, is that you?" Before he could say more Virginia threw both hands high. "Faw de Lawd's sake!" She thrust her husband aside. "G'way, niggah! lemme th'oo dis-yeh gate 'fo' I go ove' it!" She snatched Barbara to her bosom. "Lawd, honey!

As it drifted by, on the currents of the wind, its noiseless, out- stretched wings, vainly flapping, struck Birt suddenly in the face, and frightened by the collision, it gave an odd, peevish squeak. Birt, too, was startled for a moment. Then he exclaimed irritably, "Oh, g'way owEL" realizing what had struck him. The next moment he paused abruptly.

"Lay off 'at, tant you?" says he "Oo oo give 'Ikky-boy a big pain, Oo does. G'way!" "Why, how rude!" says Mrs. Butt, gazin' around bewildered; and then, as she spots that approvin' smile on Auntie's face, she turns red in the ears. Say, I don't know when I've seen the old girl look so tickled over anything. What she's worked up is almost a grin. And there's no doubt that Mrs.

"She whispered to me, 'Go an' see what in mercy's name is the matter with Willie; an' if the glass cut him, after all; an' why don't he come down'; an' why don't you, Willie? We're all havin' the nicest time!" "You g'way!" said the strange voice within the room. "G'way!" "Well, did the glass cut you?" "No! Keep quiet! G'way!" "Well, are you EVER comin' down to your party?" "Yes, I am! G'way!"

But he had forgotten to lock his door the handle turned, and a dim little figure marched in. "Willie, Adelia's goin' to put me to bed." "You g'way from here," he said, huskily. "I haven't got time to talk to you. I'm busy." "Well, you can wait a minute, can't you?" she asked, reasonably. "I haf to tell you a joke on mamma." "I don't want to hear any jokes!"

"Any one seen Pastor MacFarlane?" went on Anderson. "Wick Bonner give me a hunderd dollar bill to give him fer performin' the ceremony up to our house that night. G'way, Ed Higgins! I'm not goin' 'round showin' that bill to people. If robbers got onto the fact I have it, they'd probably try to steal it. I don't keer if you ain't seen that much money in one piece. That's none of my lookout.

He fiercely swore his favorite oath, acquired from the hero of a work of fiction he admired, "Ye gods!" and concealed his poem in the drawer of the writing-table, for Jane's footsteps were approaching his door. "Will ee! Mamma wants you." She tried the handle of the door. "G'way!" he said. "Will ee!" Jane hammered upon the door with her fist. "Will ee!" "What you want?" he shouted.

Carter, Ruth, Grace, and Aunt Chloe were known to be inside, but what they were doing was a mystery that no one could solve. "Reckon dey's a-fixin' up sandwitches," said one. "Yo' g'way, chile! Who ebber heerd ob sich nonsens? 'Tain't no witches ob no kine; hits somefin' to eat, I tell yo'. I kin smell hit," said an old aunty, who sniffed the air vigorously as she spoke.

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