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Updated: August 20, 2024

And as I went on to describe my agony while Idaho's fingers were gradually nearing the knife, his face grew pale and his eyes grew wide with horror. 'Baptiste here did the business, I said, and the little Frenchman nodded complacently and said 'Dat's me for sure. 'By the way, how is your foot? asked Graeme. 'He's fuss-rate.

I knew when you came to have me as de captain knew what he was doing when he choose you for dis job. He just pick out de man he considers de very best in de regiment. Now, here is de spirit; and fuss-rate stuff it am, too." "Golly, but it am strong!" the sergeant said, taking a long gulp at the canteen. "Dat warm de cockles ob de heart in no time.

"P'raps he fuss-rate, p'raps not," muttered Moses in a disparaging tone, as he turned to put the question. "Him say yis." "Very good; then take him to your house, Moses, and give him some food and a pipe, and teach him English as fast as you can, and see that it is grammatical. D'ye hear?" "Yis, mossue, me quite sure for to teach him dat."

"Dis way, massa, you's sure to git fuss-rate fellers here. We brought 'im in on'y yesterday all fresh like new-laid eggs." The speaker was Peter the Great. The man to whom he spoke was a Moor of tall stature and of somewhat advanced years.

'You go back in yourself, you see? 'Non; das so, sure nuff. Ah! as if a light broke in upon him 'you go in your own self. You make one leetle prayer. You say, "Le bon Fadder, oh! I want come back, I so tire, so hongree, so sorree"? He, say, "Come right 'long." Ah! das fuss-rate. Nelson, you make one leetle prayer for Sandy and me.

Ploughin' an' diggin' I knows nothin' about wotsomever, though I have ploughed the waves many a day, an' I'm considered a fust-rate hand at diggin' into wittles." "Oh! massa, das de man for your money! Buy him, quick!" cried the negro, with a look of earnest entreaty at his master. "He say he's ploughed many a day, an''s a fuss-rate hand at diggin'. Do buy 'im!" But the Moor would not buy him.

I knew, when you came to 'lieve me, as de captain knew what he was doing when he choose you for dis job. He just pick out de man he considers de very best in de regiment. Now, here is de spirit; and fuss-rate stuff it am, too." "Golly, but it am strong!" the sergeant said, taking a long gulp at the canteen. "Dat warm de cockles ob de heart in no time.

Always ready nay, eager for sympathetic discourse, the negro received his young master with a bland, expansive, we might almost say effusive, smile. "Well, massa, how's you gittin' along now?" "Pretty well, Quashy. How do you?" "Oh! fuss-rate, massa only consid'rable obercome wid surprise." "What surprises you?" "De way we's agwine, to be sure. Look dar."

Hard work, violent physical exertion, and excessive heat were Rokens' delight, and, whatever may be the opinion of flabby-muscled, flat individuals, there can be no reasonable doubt that Rokens meant it, when he added, emphatically, "It's fuss-rate; tip-top; A1 on Lloyd's, that's a fact!"

"But why leave me here at all?" pleaded Hester, when Dinah had exhausted her eulogy of the hiding-place. "Why not take me to your own home?" "Cause it's not so safe as dis," answered Dinah. "P'r'aps in time you may come dere not now. Moreober, Missis Lilly is a fuss-rate creetur, most as good as myself, if her temper was a leetil more 'eavenly.

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