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Updated: August 7, 2024

That morning our base company, under Captain Musgrove and Lieutenant Muir, reached us. A few days later at Festubert Musgrove was to lose an arm and Lieutenant Muir was to be killed. They were full of ginger and cheered us up considerably. During the night we consolidated our trenches. The shelling continued all the next day.

I afterwards gave the rifle to Sergeant Coe, the bravest of many brave men, who carried it when he fell at the head of his platoon in the immortal charge on the orchard at Festubert. About nine o 'clock the German aeroplanes again came along and took another good look at our position.

They seemed to like hearing from her; and she followed all their migrations and promotions with a constant sympathy. One of them had just written to her from a hospital at Boulogne. He had been seriously wounded in a small affair near Festubert early in May. He was getting better he said, but he hardly cared whether he recovered or not.

Julien, Festubert, Givenchy, St. Eloi, Sanctuary Wood, Vimy Ridge, Loos, Hill 70, Courcelette, Passchendaele, and the Somme, under General Lord Byng and General Sir Arthur Currie, appear too vivid in the mind as yet to be regarded as history. But the years 1914-20 were constructive ones for Canada.

Whereas we who have been through the ferment and the horror " He broke off "I was at the front, you see, for nearly two years then I got invalided. So you've hardly realized the war hardly known there was a war not since since Festubert?" "It's dreadful!" she said humbly "I'm afraid I know just nothing about it."

During the winter they had met fairly often in the neighbourhood of Ypres, and Aubrey was then the same eager, impulsive fellow that Chicksands had known at Eton and Cambridge, bubbling over with the exploits of his battalion, and adored by his own men. In April, in a raid near Festubert, Mannering was badly wounded. But the change in him was already evident when they were in Paris together.

Towards midnight we had a long check at Merville, a placid little town with tree-planted boulevards along the banks of the Lys, while Canadian guns and transport passed us going north from their second great fight at Festubert and Givenchy.

On that day the Seventh Prussian Army Corps made a desperate effort to break through that part of the British line held by the Canadians near Festubert. The Prussians used their old tactics with the result that the British shrapnel, rifle, and machine-gun fire plowed great holes in their ranks.

A fortnight later the Germans broke through and over the Cheshires, and M died where a commanding officer should. From 1910 Farm I had one good ride to the battalions, through Festubert and along to the Cuinchy bridge.

Little parties of sad-looking wounded that I passed, the noise of the guns, and the evil dusk heartened me. I rode into Festubert, which was full of noise, and, very hastily dismounting, put my motor-cycle under the cover of an arch and reported to the general. He was sitting at a table in the stuffy room of a particularly dirty tavern.

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