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Updated: July 31, 2024

'But, un'stan', I wouldn't ev'n have pu' foot on doormat no, not ev'n on doormat And he came in, and I shut the door, and I was alone with my wild beast. 'Kiss me, he commanded. I kissed him on the mouth. 'You don't put your arms roun' me, he growled. So I deposited the candle on the floor, and put my arms round his neck, standing on tip-toe, and kissed him again.

'Bless, O my soul, the Lord thy God, And not forgetful be Of all His gracious benefits He hath bestow'd on thee. Who with abundance of good things Doth satisfy thy mouth; So that, ev'n as the eagle's age, Renewed is thy youth. The 103rd Psalm was never made in this world.

And walling this trite Present with dark clouds, 'Till Night becomes our Nature; and the ray Ev'n of the stars, but meteors that withdraw The wandering spirit from the sluggish rest Which makes its proper bliss. I will accost This denizen of toil." From Eugene Aram, a MS. Tragedy. "A wicked hag, and envy's self excelling In mischiefe, for herself she only vext,

Miss Hauton smiled civilly upon the commissioner, then turning to Godfrey, in a low soft voice, repeated, "And ev'n when fashion's brightest arts decoy, The heart distrusting asks, if this be joy?" Godfrey was touched she saw it, and sighed. A short time afterwards her marquis left the box. Miss Hauton recovered from her languor, and became animated in conversation with Godfrey.

My parks, my walks, my manors that I had, Ev'n now forsake me. HENRY VI. Part iii. LORD VARGRAVE, bold as he was by nature, in vain endeavoured to banish from his mind the gloomy impression which the startling interview with Cesarini had bequeathed. The face, the voice of the maniac, haunted him, as the shape of the warning wraith haunts the mountaineer.

Then she to whom I pris'ner was, Said to me, tauntingly, Now cheer your heart, and sing a song And tune your mind to joy. Alas! said I, how can I frame My heavy heart to sing, Or tune my mind, while thus enthrall'd By such a wicked thing! But yet, if from my innocence I, ev'n in thought, should slide, Then let my fingers quite forget The sweet spinnet to guide.

Ev'n both at Preston and Falkirk, That fatal night ere it grew mirk, Piercing the wounded with their durk, Caused many cry! Such pity's shown from Savage and Turk As peace to die. A woe be to such hot zeal, To smite the wounded on the fiell! It's just they got such groats in kail, Who do the same. It only teaches crueltys real To them again.

And with him went up Pharaoh's servants, and The prime nobility of all the land, And Joseph's household, and his brethren all, Only their flocks, and herds, and children small Were left behind. Moreover there went up Chariots and horsemen, ev'n a mighty troop.

"I fly all public care, all venal strife, To try the still, compared with active, life; To prove, by these, the sons of men may owe The fruits of bliss to bursting clouds of woe; That ev'n calamity, by thought refined, Inspirits and adorns the thinking mind." And more distinctly in the following passage:

Oh, Thou, who Man of baser Earth didst make, And ev'n with Paradise devise the Snake: For all the sin wherewith the Face of Man Is blacken'd Man's forgiveness give and take! when all at once Mr. Latimer put his hand on the book. I looked up with a start. The shadow by the gate was gone.

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