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Updated: August 3, 2024

Lord and Lady Esquart agreed to anything agreeable to her, after excusing themselves for the necessitated flight, piteously relating the story of their sufferings. My lord could have slept, but he had remained awake to comfort my lady. 'True knightliness! Diana said, in praise of these long married lovers; and she asked them what they had talked of during the night.

The two gentlemen had struck up a House of Commons acquaintanceship, and finding themselves bound for the same destination, had grown friendly. Redworth's arrival had been pleasantly expected. She remarked on Dacier's presence to Emma, without sketch or note of him as other than much esteemed by Lord and Lady Esquart.

Lady Esquart told me that he was. A Miss Asper great heiress; and the Daciers want money. However, there it is. Not many weeks later Diana could not have spoken of Mr. Percy Dacier with this air of indifference without corruption of her inward guide. The fatal time to come for her was in the Summer of that year.

She coloured to a deeper red than the rose-conjuring wind had whipped in her cheeks. Her quick intuition of the reason of his coming barred a mental evasion, and she had no thought of asking either him or herself what special urgency had brought him. 'I have been here four days. 'Lady Esquart spoke of the place. 'Lady Esquart should not have betrayed me.

Lord and Lady Crane, Lady Pennon, Lord and Lady Esquart, Lord Larrian, Mr. and Mrs. Montvert of Halford Manor, Lady Singleby, Sir Walter Capperston friends, admirers of Diana; patrons, in the phrase of the time, of her father, were the guests. Lady Pennon expected to be amused, and was gratified, for Diana had only to open her mouth to set the great lady laughing. She petitioned to have Mrs.

'I fear it is good-bye for me, Dacier said to her, as he was about to step into the carriage with the Esquarts. 'If you have not better news of your uncle, it must be, she replied, and gave him her hand promptly and formally, hardly diverting her eyes from Lady Esquart to grace the temporary gift with a look.

Warwick, but tell her I regret, et caetera, he said; 'and by the way, as my uncle's illness appears to be serious, the longer she is absent the better, perhaps. 'It would never do, said Lady Esquart, understanding his drift immediately. 'We winter in Rome. She will not abandon us I have her word for it. Next Easter we are in Paris; and so home, I suppose.

He was, however, surprised to hear her tell Lady Esquart, as soon as they were together at the breakfast-table, that he had the intention of starting for England; and further surprised, and slightly stung too, when on the poor lady's, moaning over her recollection of the midnight Bell, and vowing she could not attempt to sleep another night in the place, Diana declared her resolve to stay there one day longer with her maid, and explore the neighbourhood for the wild flowers in which it abounded.

'You, my dear, partly, said Lady Esquart. 'For an opiate? 'An invocation of the morning, said Dacier. Lady Esquart looked at Diana and, at him. She thought it was well that her fair friend should stay. It was then settled for Diana to rejoin them the next evening at Lugano, thence to proceed to Luino on the Maggiore.

There is one if having caught we could keep him. But I dread so tricksy a pilot. You have guessed him the ancient Puck! We have laughed all day over the paper telling us of his worrying the Lords. Lady Esquart congratulates her husband on being out of it. Puck 'biens ride' and bewigged might perhaps except that at the critical moment he would be sure to plead allegiance to Oberon.

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