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Updated: August 11, 2024

His uncle expressed contempt of everything laid before them. 'This ain't no wye of caterin' for young gents at Collige! he exclaimed. 'If there ain't a openin' 'ere, then I never see one. Godwin, bo-oy, 'ow much longer'll it be before you're out of you're time over there? 'It's uncertain I can't say.

I've jest called round at your lodgin's, and they towld me as you was at the Collige. He who thus accosted the student, with the most offensive purity of Cockney accent, was a man of five-and-forty, dressed in a new suit of ready-made tweeds, the folding crease strongly marked down the front of the trousers and the coat sleeves rather too long.

It happens that just now I wanted something to give me back a little self-respect." "But I do not suppose you so abnormal as, at your age, to undervalue a holiday," he continued. "It is only we elders who live haunted by the words 'Work while ye have the light. If youth extract any moral from the brevity of life it is rather the pagan warning, Collige rosas."

I took him from collige sum 16 years ago and gave him a good situation as the Bearded Woman in my Show. How did he repay me for this kindness? I know no such man as Olonzo Ward. I do not even wish his name breathed in my presents. I do not recognize him. I perfectly disgust him. The old man finds hisself once more in a Sunny climb. I cum here a few days arter the city catterpillertulated.

He got stuck on a gal whose old man was in dat hospital, and dat gal is de sister of dis yere Lorna Barton. Does ye git me?" Clemm's eyes sparkled. "What does he look like? Brown hair, tall, very square shoulders?" he asked. "Exact! He's a fresh guy wid his talk, too one of dem ejjicated cops. Dey tells me he was a collige boy, or in de army or somethin'."

''E ain't no fool, ain't Jowey! cried the parent. 'Wite till 'e gits to Collige. Godwin'll put us up to all the ins and outs. Plenty o' time for that; 'e'll often run over an' 'ev a bit o' dinner, and no need to talk about p'yment. 'Do you stay in Twybridge to-night? inquired Godwin, who had changed in look and manner, so that he appeared all but cheerful.

Sir, I will heartily excuse your absence. Stercus et urina medici sunt prandia prima. Ex aliis paleas, ex istis collige grana. You are mistaken, quoth Rondibilis, in the second verse of our distich, for it ought to run thus Nobis sunt signa, vobis sunt prandia digna.

Lizzie 'nd I made it up between us that when the Old Man growed up we'd send him to collige 'nd give him a lib'ril edication, no matter though we had to sell the farm to do it.

'I shan't be able to go with you, he said, in a thick, abrupt voice, addressing Earwaker but not regarding him. 'Good-bye! The other offered his hand and, without speaking, walked away. 'Prize-dye at the Collige, they tell me, pursued Godwin's relative, looking at a cluster of people that passed. 'What 'ave you took? 'One or two class-prizes, replied the student, his eyes on the ground.

He tole her it wuz his love for her dat hed made 'im stan' fust at school an' collige, an' hed kep' 'im good an' pure; an' now he wuz gwine 'way, wouldn't she let it be like 'twuz in ole times, an' ef he come back from de war wouldn' she try to think on him ez she use' to do when she wuz a little guirl?

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