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Updated: August 23, 2024

Thus I saw that the leaders of this department were using the choicest and the foulest productions of the pen, gathered from the authors of all lands, languages and ages, and Miss Church-Member, by degrees almost imperceptible, voluntarily sacrificed her finer moral taste on a popular and polluted altar.

Yes," continued he, his voice growing deeper, his manner more excited, "I can think of one, a respectable man, a church-member, whose injustice and cruelty made my life what it has been a desert, a blank, or worse than that; and I can think of another, an old, rough, intemperate sailor, over whose head a day never passed that he did not take the name of his God in vain, yet had at the bottom of his heart a drop of such pure, unsullied essence of virtue as could not be distilled from the souls of ten thousand of your polished rogues.

His many companions could readily see that Miss Church-Member felt "out of place." But she justified her own course by what she was aiming to do. He saw that her dress of righteousness was in wide contrast with the filthy rags that covered his own soul, and so he preferred to look upon the garments that adorned his outer person, and the gaudy scenes on either side of the way.

Miss Church-Member, having closed her Bible, was engaged in a close scrutiny of her attire. By the aid of her glasses she realized very keenly that her garments were out of harmony with her environments. "Will you answer a frank question?" she modestly asked Mr. World. "Do you think my pilgrim's robe becomes me as it should?" "A very delicate question.

Oh, take heed and go with me some other way." Mr. World readily consented, but Miss Church-Member was inclined to continue, confessing that she had once been a singer in such a valley, and surely no harm could befall them there. Mr. World thought it was the part of wisdom not to oppose her at this time, although he feared that she might be induced to leave him.

Many editors, before entering into active service, take the entire series of courses offered by this hall, and are thus taught to prevaricate, abbreviate, and exaggerate, or do ought else to attain the end in view. I saw Mr. World and Miss Church-Member pass by one sub-department after another. They were not pleased with the excitement that prevailed.

Miss Church-Member, however, as she looked upon the stupendous edifices, was so filled with wonder and admiration at the long stretches of masonry, and the perfect symmetry of parts, that she offered no comment until they were quite near the first building. "For what purpose is this group of great structures used?" were her words that broke the brief silence.

Can you see the gates of Heaven, at the end of the way?" Miss Church-Member looked carefully, but declared that she could not see anything that appeared like Heaven or the gates thereof. "Can you see that place called 'Perfect Peace' along the Broad Highway," continued the oculist as he pointed to a far-off region.

"Are you any better than you were since such an elevating influence has been thrown about you?" asked Mr. Elder, as he turned to Mr. World. "Happy for me that Miss Church-Member ever undertook my case, for I am now nearer joining the church than ever before." The two church-officials offered their hands to Mr.

"I do not believe that the church of the King's Highway to which I belong could use it. It would tend only to confusion," said Miss Church-Member. "Only till they become accustomed to it," explained the inventor. "After a few weeks of use its value would be demonstrated. Then the congregation would not part with it under any consideration.

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