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Updated: August 16, 2024

I saw him fall with my own eyes, and slew the man who smote him. One thing more, King of the World, the best of the captives and the cattle are not here for a gift to thee they are at the kraal of Bulalio, Chief of the People of the Axe. I have spoken, O King, yes, because my heart loves not lies.

All that night we watched, but we neither saw nor heard any more of the wolves, nor of the men who hunted with them. On the morrow, at dawn, I sent a runner to Bulalio, chief of the People of the Axe, saying that a messenger came to him from Dingaan, the king, who desired to speak with him in peace within the gates of his kraal.

So if you have anything to say, Chief Bulalio, say it at once, for I am tired and should like to eat and rest." "Good, Macumazahn. I have this to say. I who am the son of one who was greater than he, have plotted to seize the throne of Zululand from him who sits upon that throne. It is true, for I grew weary of my idleness as a petty chief.

Therefore, Mouth of Dingaan, you will know that this is no easy task which Bulalio would set himself and us to conquer the Halakazi. That is the face of the matter so far as it concerns Bulalio, but for me, O Mouth, it has another face.

Moreover, if this Bulalio would have murdered us, there was no need for him to call up so many of his warriors. He is a proud chief, and would show his might, not knowing that the king we serve can muster a company for every man he has. Let us go on boldly." So we walked forward towards the impi that was gathered on the further side of the kraal.

Have I the story right thus far?" I answered that he had. "Good! Then Zikali went on to choose you companions for your journey, but two, leaving out the guards or servants. I, Umhlopekazi, called Bulalio the Slaughterer, called the Woodpecker also, was one of these, and that little yellow monkey of a man whom I saw with you to-day, called Hansi, was the other.

Nada is daughter to Mopo yonder indeed, but he is no father to me, though he has been named so, nor was the mother of Nada my mother. That is so, Councillors." Then Zinita looked at me and muttered, "O fool of a Mouth, not for nothing did I fear evil at your hands." I heard the words and took no note, and she spoke again to Umslopogaas, saying: "Here is a mystery, O Lord Bulalio.

Also, this captain noted that Bulalio called none of the captives to swear to the body of the Lily maid, and that he shook the torch to and fro as he held it over her he whose hand was of the steadiest. All of this he kept in his mind, forgetting nothing.

Now Zinita cast down her hoe. "Is this to be borne, my sisters?" she said. "No," answered another, "it is not to be borne. What shall we do shall we fall upon her and kill her now?" "It would be more just to kill Bulalio, our lord," answered Zinita. "Nada is but a woman, and, after the fashion of us women, takes all that she can gather.

"A hundred head of cattle to the man who wins through and clears the way!" Then two young men sprang forward who were flushed with victory and desired nothing more than to make a great name and win cattle, crying: "Here are hyenas, Bulalio." "To earth, then!" said Umslopogaas, "and let him who wins through hold the path awhile till others follow."

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