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Updated: August 4, 2024

He was incensed with his mother Althaea, and therefore stayed at home with his wedded wife fair Cleopatra, who was daughter of Marpessa daughter of Euenus, and of Ides the man then living.

But their effects are so inconsiderable, that common practice takes no notice of them. MALVA alcea. VERVAIN-MALLOW. The Leaves. Alcea agrees in quality with the Althaea and Malva vulgaris; but appears to be less mucilaginous than either. MATRICARIA Parthenium. COMMON WILD FEVERFEW. The Leaves and Flowers.

'It costs more in advertisements, but my phrase at once enlists the sympathy of every liberal and elegant mind. 'The divine Althaea Marchioness of Bowton? 'The same, said Merton. 'The oldest woman, and the most recklessly up- to-date in London. She has seen bien d'autres, and wants to see more. 'She will do; and my aunt, Logan said.

The chief medicinal use of onions in the present practice is in external applications, as a cataplasm for suppurating tumours, &c. ALTHAEA officinalis. MARSH-MALLOW. The Leaves and Root. L. This plant has the general virtues of an emollient medicine; and proves serviceable in a thin acrimonious state of the juices, and where the natural mucus of the intestines is abraded.

Althaea root is sometimes employed externally for softening and maturing hard tumours: chewed, it is said to give ease in difficult dentition of children. The officinal preparations are:-Decoctio Althaeae officinalis, and Syrupus Althaeae. Similar Plants. Malva officinalis; M. rotundifolia; M. mauritanica; Lavatera arborscens. Lewis's Mat. Med. AMYGDALUS communis.

It is the same with Aetolia: there you will find Althaea, Meleager, Atalanta, and the fatal brand; the strife of Achelous with Heracles, the birth of the Sirens, the origin of the Echinades, those islands on which Alcmaeon dwelt after his frenzy was past; and, following these, the story of Nessus, and of Deianira's jealousy, which brought Heracles to the pyre upon Oeta.

From these ornaments Lord Bude was inseparable; to chaff about presents from dusky princesses on undiscovered shores he was impervious. Even Merton did not know the cause of his attachment to these ungainly jewels, or the dark memory of mysterious loss with which they were associated. Merton's first care was to visit the divine Althaea, Mrs. Brown-Smith, and other ladies of his acquaintance.

The first step towards Merton's scheme was taken at once. The lady patronesses were approached. The divine Althaea instantly came in. She had enjoyed few things more since the Duchess of Richmond's ball on the eve of Waterloo. Miss Nicky Maxwell at first professed a desire to open her coffers, 'only anticipating, she said, 'an event' which Logan declined in any sense to anticipate.

COMFREY. The Root. The roots are very large, black on the outside, white within, full of a viscid glutinous juice, of no particular taste. They agree in quality with the roots of Althaea; with this difference, that the mucilage of it is somewhat stronger-bodied. Many ridiculous histories of the consolidating virtues of this plant are related by authors. TAMUS communis.

And his laugh would be more sincere than her own. Nevertheless, her dreams haunted her, as they have haunted many a loving mother, ever since Althaea plucked from the flame the burning brand that measured Meleager's life, and smothered the sparks upon it and hid it away among her treasures. Such things seem foolish, no doubt, in the measure of fact, in the glaring light of our day.

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