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Updated: August 24, 2024

Death said to the gods, 'What hath become of him who created us? They answered, 'Fearing thee, hath he entered the earth. The gods and Prajapati now freed themselves from the dominion of Death by celebrating an enormous number of sacrifices. Death was chagrined by their escape from the 'nets and clubs' which he carries in the Aitareya Brahmana.

Similarly simple is the offering of coco-nuts to Kâlî. The worshipper gives a nut to the pujâri who splits it in two with an axe, spills the milk and hands back half the nut to the worshipper. No. 1303. Up. They consist of 84 short aphorisms. Raj. For the 64 sports of Śiva see Siddhanta Dipika, vol. Up. about the syllable Om. See too the last section of the Aitareya Âran.

It was a convenient policy of the priesthood, however, to hypothecate the claim for a human victim by accepting the substitution of a goodly number of horses or cows. A famous tradition is given, in the Aitareya Brahmana, of a prince who had been doomed to sacrifice by a vow of his father, but who bought as a substitute the son of a holy Brahman paying the price of a hundred cows.

Vols. i. and xv. Upanishads. Vols. ii. and xiv. Sacred Laws of the Aryas. Vol. vii. The Institutes of Vishnu. Vols. xii., xxvi., and xli. Vol. xxv. Manu. Vols. xxix., and xxx. Vol. xxxiv. Vedic Hymns. xlvi. Hymns to Agni. Vols. xlii.-xliv. Hymns of the Atharva-Veda. Vols. xxxiv., xxxviii., xlviii. Vedanta Sutras. Muir's Sanscrit Texts. Weber, Indische Skizzen. Haug, Aitareya Brahmana.

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