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Updated: August 29, 2024

"A chromatic in tones of sad colour, with golden accidentals Kashmir night-lights." "Ah! quite so," I exclaimed; "but have I got it right side up?" It is put there on purpose."

A connoisseur of pose and expression, he looked at mankind from the plastic point of view, peering through accidentals into what was spiritual, pre-ordained, inevitable; striving to interpret to waylay and hold fast that divinity, fair or foul, which resides within one and all of us.

Mikuli holds that an appeal to Chopin's manuscripts is of no use as they are full of slips of the pen wrong notes and values, wrong accidentals and clefs, wrong slurs and 8va markings, and omissions of dots and chord-intervals. The original French, German, and English editions he regards likewise as unreliable.

The handwriting, exact position of accidentals, &c., should be carefully watched. With young children it is well to use manuscript books which have the lines ruled very widely apart a little child's hand soon gets cramped if it is made to write in an ordinary manuscript book. When a class can take down simple melodies correctly it is time to begin two-part work.

She shook her head at him with a laugh, and went on playing the hardest piece of music she could think of, complicating herself in difficult chords and sudden accidentals.

Working upon accidentals secures weak results, perverts and interferes with free function. Working upon elementals brings freedom, power. As all training is a reaching upward towards an ideal so an exercise is a single step and the first exercise should be the most primary action. The primary condition of all growth is a certain joyous awakening, an expansive enjoyment of life.

These things were only accidentals, not worthy to be taken into account while the great sweet hope that had come to her, flooded like a springtide every nook and corner of her heart. In such a mood how easy it was to answer Annie's letter. She recollected every word she had written to Hyde that fateful day, and she wrote them again with a tenfold joy.

The snow often veiled what light of day there was, and the great sea-winds shrieked around the hut and blew the peat smoke down the chimney into their faces; and there was little warmth or comfort, and none of the pretty accessories that love generally delights in. But David's love was not dependent upon accidentals.

Without pointing out in detail the increasing complexity that resulted from introducing notes of various lengths, from the multiplication of keys, from the use of accidentals, from varieties of time, and so forth, it needs but to contrast music as it is, with music as it was, to see how immense is the increase of heterogeneity.

She was in some self-satisfied world of her own. He and his hopes were accidentals, violations to her. It drove her father to a pitch of mad exasperation. He had had to put up with this all his life, from her. 'Well, what do you say? he cried. She winced.

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