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Updated: August 10, 2024

"If Neils Halvorsen had asked you that question when he come to rescue you the day you lay a-dyin' o' thirst on that desert island, wouldn't you have said yes?" "Sure pop." "Then don't ask no questions that's unworthy of you," said Mr. Gibney severely. "I don't want to see none o' them green-pea trade ethics croppin' up in you, Scraggsy.

"Ye don't amount to as much as the tuft on Kennedy's mare's tail," she said aloud. "Eat now, I says, or I opens yer mouth and pours it full." The words, gathered from the vocabulary of the squatter, were harsh, but the emotion in the tones softened them. "Ye air a-dyin' 'cause ye won't eat, kid, and ye have the smell of a dead rat, too.

The vast silence of the edifice echoed her petition. The gaping minister never once took his eyes from her face, and made no move to answer her. "It air a-dyin', I say," she went on, "and I wants ye to put the water on it." So deadly in earnest was the girl that a sob broke out in the back of the church.

Such crowds, such busses, all green and blue, only a penny fare, and you can ride on top if you want to! Think of that, you dear old Manx people! But there "the bell goes a-ringing for Sarah!" they're calling for Nurse! That's the worst of this job: they're always a-dyin' just as you're getting interested in something else! Ta-ta!

"She were on the stage, she were, an' my eye, what a swell she were, with all the coves a-dyin' for 'er, an' she dancin' over their black 'earts, cuss 'em; but she was allays good to me till 'e came." "Who came?" "'E!" yelled the old woman, raising herself on her arm, her eyes sparkling with vindictive fury.

"Depper, yer old woman's a-dyin'" Dinah said. "Marcy on us! Ye don't tell me that! Kind o' piney, like, fer the las' six months, my missus ha' bin', but " "Now she's a-dyin'. D'ye think I ha'n't got the right use o' my senses, arter all these years? Wheer ha' yer own eyes been? Look at 'er! No better'n a skeercrow of a woman, under yer very nose! She's a-dyin', I tell ye.

In that In-the-Beginning-God-Created-the-Heaven-an'-the-Earth-Kinder voice! Drap your voice low like a organ, an' let the old man hear it befo' he goes. I fixed it when I thought I was a-dyin'." "Makin' yo' will ain't no sign you're dyin'," said the Bishop. "But Tilly an' Aunt Sally both said so," said Uncle Davy, earnestly.

I never 'ear'd him do it except once before, when he was very low with fever, an' thought himself a-dyin'." "But 'e ain't agoin' to die this time," returned the kindly porter; "so cheer up, Missis. Good-night." Mrs Marrot returned to the room where her husband lay, evidently suffering severe pain, for he was very pale and his lips were compressed.

Well, there was lots o' other things talked to that boy, and tried to help him, trees and posies and grass and crawlin' things, that was allers a-dyin' and livin', and livin' and dyin'. Reuben thought it didn't help him any, but I guess it did a little mite, for he couldn't help thinkin' o' what they every one on 'em said. But he was scaret all the same.

Go on out with ye an' get a bit o' the fresh air. I'll stay and hunt for the boy till the new men comes." But Bachelor Billy was in earnest. "I canna do it," he said. "I would na get farther fra the lad for warlds, an' him lost an' a-dyin' mayhap. I'll stan' it. Never ye fear for me! Go on, Mike, go on quick!" Conway turned reluctantly to go.

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