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"Movet me ingens scientiarum admiratio, seu legis communis aequitas, ut in nostro sexu, rarum non esse feram, id quod omnium votis dignissimum est. "A great reverence for knowledge and the natural sense of justice urge me to encourage in my own sex that which is most worthy the aspirations of all.

"Spumantemque dari, pecora inter inertia, votis Optat aprum, aut fulvum descendere monte leonem:" who but must conclude that these are wild sallies pushed on by a courage that has broken loose from its place?

They acted like Thoas, that turbulent AEtolian, who brought Antiochus into Greece: "quibus mendaciis de rege, multiplicando verbis copias ejus, erexerat multorum in Graecia animos; iisdem et regis spem inflabat, omnium votis eum arcessi."

Hic est Emanuel situs Sermonis decus Attici, Qui dum quaerere spem patriae Afflictae studeret, huc iit; Res belle cecidit tuis Votis Italia. Hic tibi Linguae restituit decus, Atticae ante reconditae. Res belle cecidit tuis Votis Emanuel. Solo Constitutus in Italo Aeternum decus, et tibi Quale Graecia non dedit Bello perdita Graecia.

This is what I wished for, hoc erat in votis: a bit of land, oh, not so very large, but fenced in, to avoid the drawbacks of a public way; an abandoned, barren, sun-scorched bit of land, favoured by thistles and by Wasps and Bees. Hoc erat in votis. Yes, this was my wish, my dream, always cherished, always vanishing into the mists of the future.

Privately Printed for the Members of the Aldus Society London, 1903 Hoc erat in votis: Modus agri non ila magnus Hortus ubi, et leclo vicinus aqua fons; Et paululum sylvae superhis forel.

"Given at Rome, in the office of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars, the 6th day of March, 1858. "A., ARCHBISHOP OF PHILIPPI, Secretary."* Quod ad id eis datum non esset, dispensationem a votis in dicta Congregatione emissis, humillime expostulabant.

Steele. ... Sed tu simul obligasti Perfidum votis caput, enitescis Pulchrior multo ... Hor.

A showy figure, now, with two cross feathers above her noddle one green, one blue; who would wear a riding-habit of the regimental complexion, drive a gig one day, and the next review the regiment on the grey trotting pony which dragged that vehicle, hoc erat in votis; these are the qualities that would subdue you, especially if she had a taste for natural history, and loved a specimen of a phoca."

Quapropter Sanctitas Sua presbyteros Clarentium Walworth, Augustinum Hewit, Georgium Deshon, et Franciscum Baker, una cum presbytero Isaac Hecker, qui eorumdem postulationibus quoad dispensationem a votis adhæsit, a votis simplicibus, etiam permanentiæ in Congregatione SSmi Redemptoris emissis, hujus Decreti tenore, Apostolica auctoritate dispensat, et dispensatos, ac prorsus solutos esse declarat, ita ut ad eamdem Congregationem amplius non pertineant.