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I don't want the man that's going to inherit my name, when my time comes, to bring foulness on it. We've been a rough race, we Calhouns; we've done mad, bad things, perhaps, but none has shamed us before the world none but you." "I have never shamed you, Miles Calhoun," replied his son sharply. "As the ancients said, 'alis volat propriis' I will fly with my own wings.

"What a brute this is of a fraction! Skipjack, what will go in 639 and 852?" "Pulsum, a pulse- volat, flies. Eh! Three'll do it. Or common measure it at once." "Bother common measure. The threes in " "Fama, fame; volat, flies; pulsum, the pulse; cecisse, to have ceased; paternis regnis, in the paternal kingdom. I say wouldn't that rile Perkins like fun?" "The threes in seven- two -in eighteen- "

"Volat ambiguis Mobilis alis Hera." Mr. Robert Beaufort sought Mr. Blackwell, and long, rambling, and disjointed was his narrative. Mr. Blackwell, after some consideration, proposed to set about doing the very things that Lilburne had proposed at once to do. But the lawyer expressed himself legally and covertly, so that it did not seem to the sober sense of Mr. Beaufort at all the same plan.

"Volat ambiguis Mobilis alis Hera." Mr. Robert Beaufort sought Mr. Blackwell, and long, rambling, and disjointed was his narrative. Mr. Blackwell, after some consideration, proposed to set about doing the very things that Lilburne had proposed at once to do. But the lawyer expressed himself legally and covertly, so that it did not seem to the sober sense of Mr. Beaufort at all the same plan.

I don't want the man that's going to inherit my name, when my time comes, to bring foulness on it. We've been a rough race, we Calhouns; we've done mad, bad things, perhaps, but none has shamed us before the world none but you." "I have never shamed you, Miles Calhoun," replied his son sharply. "As the ancients said, 'alis volat propriis' I will fly with my own wings.

Virgil exhausted the resources of his genius in his portraiture of Fame: "Fama, malum, quo non aliud velocius ullum: Mobilitate viget, viresque acquirit eundo: Parva metu primo; mox sese attollit in auras, Ingrediturque solo, et caput inter nubila condit. Tot linguæ, totidem ora sonant, tot subrigit aures. Nocte volat coeli medio terræque per umbram Stridens, nec dulci declinat lumina somno."

Volat ambiguis Mobilis alis hora, nec ulli Praestat velox Fortuna fidem. SENECA. Hippol. 1141. On fickle wings the minutes haste, And fortune's favours never last. ON the fourth morning Seged rose early, refreshed with sleep, vigorous with health, and eager with expectation.

"Magno veluti cum flamma sonore Virgea suggeritur costis undantis ahem, Exsultantque aatu latices, furit intus aquae vis. Fumidus atque alte spumis exuberat amnis, Nec jam se capit unda; volat vapor ater ad auras;" Nor can the wave now contain itself; the black steam flies all abroad." that he must of necessity cruelly constrain himself to moderate it.

"Look out, Skipjack, there's a moth." "Anything worth having?" demanded Bobus. "Only a grass eggar. Fama, fame; volat, flies; Idomoeea ducem, that Idomaeeus the leader; pulsum, expelled. "Never mind catching him," said Bobus, "we've got dozens." "Yes, but I don't want him frizzling alive in my candle."