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Finally he called: "Hi!" "Hullo!" said Mr. Polly. "You needn't 'old that 'orse," said the old gentleman. "Spirited beast," said Mr. Polly. "And," with some faint analogy to ginger beer in his mind "he's up today." "'E won't turn 'isself round," said the old gentleman, "anyow. And there ain't no way through for 'im to go." "Verbum sap," said Mr.

There were rumors of dynamited bridges, broken rails, etc. The major didn't believe much in these yarns, but "Verbum Sap." and the precautions were taken. The next morning at five the train pulled into Hartshorne, eleven miles out from C . This was the beginning of the great railroad yards and evidences of the presence of the enemy were becoming very apparent.

Having no importance of their own, they steal the importance of their friends. Verbum sap." "You are very right, Legard is a coxcomb; and now I see why he talked of joining us at Paris." "Don't let him do any such thing! He will be telling the Frenchmen that her ladyship is in love with him, ha, ha!" "Ha, ha! a very good joke poor Caroline! very good joke!" "Well, good-by, once more."

Look ye, Dominie, if you speak another word till I give you leave, I will read three sentences out of the Black Acts, whisk my cane round my head three times, undo all the magic of this night's work, and conjure Harry Bertram back again into Vanbeest Brown. 'Honoured and worthy sir, groaned out the Dominie, 'I humbly crave pardon; it was but verbum volans.

Most humanists wrote indeed in that style. Was Erasmus aware that he here attacked his own past? After all, was it not exactly the same thing which he had done, to the indignation of his opponents, when translating Logos by Sermo instead of by Verbum?

But non est impossibile apud Deum omne verbum. We brought them together by blandishments and mild threats, and by other methods suited to their capacity, and it pleased our Lord that we were able to persuade them to settle along the river which they call Viga. There they have erected a church, and Father Gabriel writes me that on Sundays it does not contain them all.

Look ye, Dominie, if you speak another word till I give you leave, I will read three sentences out of the Black Acts, whisk my cane round my head three times, undo all the magic of this night's work, and conjure Harry Bertram back again into Vanbeest Brown. 'Honoured and worthy sir, groaned out the Dominie, 'I humbly crave pardon; it was but verbum volans.

Hoc unum adhuc addendum est, in Sumatra nempe ac forte in Java aliam quoque esse plantam repentem gatta gambir akar dictam, qum forte unae eaedemque erunt plantae; ac verbum akar Malaiensibus denotat non tantum radicem, sed repentem quoque fruticem.

"The importance of the work not being the least foreseen, I believe Rudd & Carleton have 'The Cloister' all to themselves.... Every American who has seen Ticknors' returns assures me they are false, and ridiculously so. It goes against my heart to believe it, but everybody is seldom wrong. My opinion is they will all make a false return if they can. Verbum sap.

Come along, Ducie: come, my Dædalian boy; if you are not hungry, I am, and so is Sheepshanks what the dickens do you mean by consorting with a singular verb? Verbum cum nominativo I should say, so are sheepshanks." Dalmahoy's tongue ran like a brook. He addressed Mr. Sheepshanks with light-hearted impartiality as Philip's royal son, as the Man of Ross, as the divine Clarinda.