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Cum itaque narrata de praemissis debeant sufficere, quando Imperator Grand Can de vno quatuor palatiorum ad aliud transire velit, vel forte gratia visitationis aut ardui negotii per Imperium de Regno ad Regnum tendit per comitatus, quatuor exercitibus ante et retro, et ex ambobus lateribus.

"Ay, but consider the accomplishments in the culinary art in re vel in arte culinaria which will be necessary for my housekeeper to know. How would you, for instance, dress a dinner for the bishop if he happened to pay me a visit, as you may be certain he will? How would you make pies and puddings, and disport your fancy through all the varieties of roast and boil?

At the further end of the hall yawned a great fireplace of white marble, with the lions and lilies of the Somerset arms carved in oak above it, and a long gilt scroll bearing the family motto, "Mutare vel timere sperno." The massive tables at which we sat were loaded with silver chargers and candelabra, and bright with the rich plate for which Badminton was famous.

"I am he whom that refers to," said Patrick; "and I heard it when I was in the islands of the Tyrrhene Sea, et nescivi utrum in meam vel extra locuta sunt verba, et ibo tecum in regionem tuam baptizare, docere, evangelizare."

"I say, Meester Pepper," said Dummie, clearing his throat, when he had obeyed the request, "can you tell I, if so be you 'as met in your travels our little Paul? Poor chap! You knows as 'ow and vy he was sent to quod by Justice Burnflat. Vel, ven he got out, he vent to the devil, or summut like it, and ve have not 'card a vord of him since.

It is well known that with many Hottentot women the posterior part of the body projects in a wonderful manner; they are steatopygous; and Sir Andrew Smith is certain that this peculiarity is greatly admired by the men. Idem illustrissimus viator dixit mihi praecinctorium vel tabulam foeminae, quod nobis teterrimum est, quondam permagno aestimari ab hominibus in hac gente.

QUIBUS otio vel magnifice, vel molliter, vivere copia era incerta pro certis malebant.* SALLUST. * "They who had the means to live at ease, either in splendour or in luxury, preferred the uncertainty of change to their natural security."

Intratur hinc per Oceanum in regionem Niconoram, vel Nacumeram, habentem in circuitu spacium mille leucarum: omnes ibi geniti homines habent capita ad formam canum, vnde et in Graeco Cynocephali dicuntur. Isti etiam incedunt nudis corporibus, excepto parui panniculi operimento, secretiora loca et posteriora retro tegente.

Ad verba, cf. note, His. 1, 16: ne fueris. The emphatic word always stands between ne and quidem. Superest. Is over and above, i.e. abounds. So superest ager, Sec. 26. Vel. Pro sive, Ciceroni inauditum. Guen. Cf. note, 17. Frameas. The word is still found in Spain, as well as Germany. Lancea. is also a Spanish word, cf. Freund. Nudi. Cf. Sec. 17, 20, and 24.

Hoc spatio nunc est Biledulgerit provinciae major pars, ubi Targa regnum, et quatuor deserta, Lempta, Zuenziga, Zanhaga, Hair. Atlas Mons. Gaetulos a Meridie claudit mons Atlas, totius Africae vel fabulosissimus.