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"Cum in Circo Flaminio non a tribuno plebis consul in concionem sed a latrone archipirata productus esset, primum processit qua auctoritate vir. Vini, somni, stupri plenus, madenti coma, gravibus oculis, fluentibus buccis, pressa voce et temulenta, quod in cives indemnatos esset animadversum, id sibi dixit gravis auctor vehementissime displicere." Post Reditum in Senatu, 6.

The Duke of Albany, during the minority of James V., had headed the party in Scotland most opposed to the English. Lord Thomas Dacre to Queen Margaret: Ellis, second series, Vol. I. p. 279. Ex his tamen, qui hæc a Pontifice, audierunt, intelligo regem vehementissime instare, ut vestræ majestatis expectationi satisfiat Pontifex. Peter Vannes to Henry VIII.: State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 518.

These and the like Heroicall intents and attempts of our Princes, our Nobilitie, our Clergie, and our Chiualry, I haue in the first place exposed and set foorth to the view of this age, with the same intention that the old Romans set vp in wax in their palaces the Statuas or images of their worthy ancestors; whereof Salust in his treatise of the warre of Iugurtha, writeth in this maner: Sape audiui ego Quintum maximum, Publium Scipionem, praterea ciuitatis nostra praclaros viros solitos ita dicere, cum maiorum imagines intuerentur, vehementissime animum sibi ad virtutem accendi.