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For Greek Philosophy I have used besides Plato and Aristotle, Diogenes Laertius and Philodemus, Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker; Diels, Doxographi Graeci; von Arnim, Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta; Usener, Epicurea; also the old Fragmenta Philosophorum of Mullach. The first volume of Dr. For Jewish thought before the Christian era Dr.

Fr. 141 when Epicurus writes to Colotes: 'Think of me as immortal, and go your ways as immortal too. Usener, from Philodemus, De Rhet. This may be only a playful reference to Plato's phrase about being a πατραλοίας of his father, Parmenides, Soph., p. 241 D. Fr. 163 to Pythocles, παιδείαν δὲ πᾶσαν, μακάριε, φεῦγε τὸ ἀκάτιον ἀράμενος, 'From education in every shape, my son, spread sail and fly!

If Heine read Loeben's ballad and saga in "Urania für 1821," he could thereby have learned also of Schreiber's Rheinsagen, for, by a peculiar coincidence for our purpose, Brockhaus discusses these in the introduction in connection with a tragedy by W. Usener, entitled Die Brüder, and based upon one of Schreiber's Sagen.

Porphyry, Ἀφορμαί, 28. She becomes Helen in the beautiful myth of the Simonian Gnostics a Helen who has forgotten her name and race, and is a slave in a brothel in Tyre. Simon discovers her, gradually brings back her memory and redeems her. Irenaeus, i. 23, 2. Plut., Vit. Pomp. 24. See Epicurus's Second Letter, especially Usener, pp. 36-47 = Diog. La. x. 86-104.

The vacillation in the eighteenth century between various theories of the explanation of the nature of ancient polytheismtheories which were all false, though not equally falseis in this respect significant enough; likewise the gradual progress which characterises research in the nineteenth century, and which may be indicated by such names as Heyne, Buttmann, K. O. Müller, Lobeck, Mannhardt, Rohde, and Usener, to mention only some of the most important and omitting those still alive.

As Hermann Usener has strikingly called it, it is 'the god of a moment." But though Professor Höffding adopts this definition of a fetich, it is obvious that the course of his argument requires us to understand it as subject to a certain limitation. His argument in effect is that fetichism is not polytheism, but something different, something out of which polytheism was evolved.

No one can read Schreiber's Handbuch and Heine's Rabbi without being convinced that the former stood sponsor for the latter. And lastly, Heine wrote before 1821 his poem entitled "Die zwei Brüder." It is the tenth of the seventeen Volkssagen by Schreiber, the same theme as the one treated by W. Usener already referrred to.

He has the commune of Sèvres deed over to him a walnut tree, worth annually 2,000 francs to him, because all the townspeople dump their rubbish there. And so on, until at the end of four years he sees himself obliged to sell his domain for 3,000 francs, after spending on it thrice that sum. Usener, Götternamen, 1896. Nouveaux Essais de critique, p. 320.