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I recommend to the notice of those who wish to understand the character of that extraordinary man, the recital of the nocturnal vision, in which he imagined that he heard a celestial voice, in the midst of a tempest, encouraging him by these words: Iddio maravigliosamente fece sonar tuo nome nella terra.

You smile, Darsie, MORE TUO, and seem to say it is little worth while to cozen one's self with such vulgar dreams; yours being, on the contrary, of a high and heroic character, bearing the same resemblance to mine, that a bench, covered with purple cloth and plentifully loaded with session papers, does to some Gothic throne, rough with barbaric pearl and gold. But what would you have?

After this responsory, if the Office be of double rite or be an Office within an octave, or on the vigil of Epiphany or on Friday or Saturday after Ascension, or on a Sunday on which a double is commemorated, or an octave is celebrated, or on a semi-double feast within an octave, Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo, and the prayer Dominus Deus omnipotens is said.

Another hour went by, two more canticles had just been sung, and the stations of Toury and Les Aubrais had been left behind, when, at Beaugency, they at last ceased their chat, on hearing Sister Hyacinthe clap her hands and intonate in her fresh, sonorous voice: "/Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo/."

In this he is mentioned as in his ninth year "in nono tuo aetatis anno." This is at variance with the other two, and gives us 1476 as the year of his birth. To these evidences, conflicting as they are, may be added Burchard's mention in his diary under date of September 12, 1491, that Cesare was then seventeen years of age. This would make him out to have been born in 1474.

Et cum spiritu tuo, answered the choir of maidens. Oh, how willingly instead of the name of God would he have cast to them his heart. "In the course of the holy missions to which I have consecrated a great portion of my life, I have often come across upright souls, disposed to make great progress in perfection, if they had found a skilful director."

She stood still, in her turn struck her breast, her head bowed, but still keeping a watchful eye on the taper. For another minute the priest's grave voice and the server's stammers alternated: 'Dominus vobiscum. 'Et cum spiritu tuo. La Teuse could now stand it no longer, but stepped behind the altar, reached the guttering candle, and trimmed it with the points of her scissors.

Well, it doesn't matter in the least. That was Father Anthony who was preaching. He was a little nervous, you noticed. It was his first sermon in Hyde Park." "I saw he was a friar," murmured the other. "Oh! you recognized his habit then? There, you see; your memory's not really gone. And . . . and what's the answer to Dominus vobiscum?" "Et cum spiritu tuo."

'Unser vater, der du bist im himmel, sanctificado se el tu nombra; il tuo regno venga." Here Essper George was proceeding with a scrap of modern Greek, when the horsemen suddenly came upon one of those broad green vistas which we often see in forests, and which are generally cut, either for the convenience of hunting, or carting wood.

Ov' è, Rinaldo, il tuo senno di pria? Ov' è, Rinaldo, il tuo antivedere? Ov' è, Rinaldo, la tua fantasia? Ov' è, Rinaldo, l' arme e 'l tuo destriere? Ov' è, Rinaldo, la tua gloria e fama? Ov' è, Rinaldo, il tuo core? a la dama." Canto xvi. st. 50. Oh where, Rinaldo, is thy gagliardize? Oh where, Rinaldo, is thy might indeed? Oh where, Rinaldo, thy repute for wise?