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He considered himself not only un homme très comme il faut, but a man of chivalric honesty. By honesty he understood the refusal to take bribes from private people. But to do everything in his power to obtain all sorts of traveling expenses, rents and disbursements he did not consider dishonest. Nor did he consider it dishonest to rob his wife and sister-in-law of their fortunes.

"Rien du tout d'extraordinaire," he repeated doggedly. "Sauf le cadavre," I retorted. He shook his head, "Tres pauvre la tombe," he muttered: "pas du tout riche." Another guardian, wall-eyed, here joined him, and catching the subject of conversation, "Tres pauvre," he corroborated compassionately.

The Duc came out as the pure Legitimist, though he said his own party had not a shadow of a chance; that the Emperor had been going down ever since the fatal Italian campaign; that there were no Orleanists in France, and that the Duc d'Aumale was conspiring against the Comte de Paris, &c. &c. a tissue of absurdity. 'Tres conservative dans mes principes, je n'aime pas les princes.

But, mon très cher & très excellent ami, do not desert me, and remind the peer of the generosity you talked of." Sir William now raised him from his seat, and led him to the middle of the room. Lord Martin, with a stately air, advanced a few steps. In spite however of all the heroism he could assume, as the important affair drew towards a crisis, he began to tremble. Mr.

"Chère grand'mère," disait le très pratique personnage, "je suis certain que vous apprendrez avec plaisir que je n'ai pas besoin de vous ennuyer pour de l'argent en ce moment, car j'ai vendu votre dernière lettre pour 30 shillings

She is une femme d'esprit, but the way she affiché's herself is too much for any one. She never goes anywhere now without le petit D . It is a great pity. "And now, my dear friend, write me a nice letter, and tell me when you are coming back to Paris. I am sure you cannot amuse yourself in that hateful London; the nicest thing about you was that you were really très Parisien.

As the procession started back with the Undertaker's Apprentice now following after Mattingley, not going before, Mattingley turned to him, and with a smile of malice said: "Ch'est tres ship-shape, Maitre-eh!" and he jerked his head back towards the inadequate rope. He was not greatly troubled about the rest of this grisly farce.

They must mean it to be shown, otherwise so much trouble would not be taken to make such lengthy and marvelous accounts of his prowess, the numbers running up in the thousands, and notations all through, such as tres bien, verbes sans faute, and dictes parfaits. He can repeat all the departments of France backward and forward, and goes through the verbs, regular and irregular, like a machine.

The two cousins went over the ground again and again, but could come to no decision. "Say what you will, très chère!" said Rita, finally; "glorify your gardener, give him the family wardrobe, the family papers; I keep watch on him, that is all! Let Master Strong beware! Not for nothing was I brought up on a plantation.

A veil gathered over the glowing eyes; her hands unclenched themselves, opened softly; her whole frame seemed to relax its tension, and in another moment she dropped on her couch with a low laugh. "Chère Marguerite," she said, "you, too, were born for the stage. Your climax, it was magnificent, très chère; pity that you spoiled it with an anti-climax." And she shrugged her shoulders.