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Here they again lay up during the day and, that evening, obtained two boats at a village near the mouth of the Tormes, and crossed into the Portuguese province of Tras os Nontes. The 500 men joined in a hearty cheer, on finding themselves safe in their own country.

Tras las batallas de Palo Alto y Resaca, la toma de Monterey, la jornada gloriosa aunque estéril de la Angostura , la ocupación de Tampico, la rendición de la humeante y heroica Veracruz y el tremendo desastre de Cerro Gordo, el cañón norteamericano tronó en el Valle mismo de México, y un pueblo vencido ya en cien combates, pero conservando el ánimo sereno que heredó de sus dos razas progenitoras, se agrupó en torno de sus banderas destrozadas a defender la capital de la República.

A few words on the navy, and we have done and only a few words; for we have nothing to say, but to give unqualified praise. In the habiliments of our jolly tras God bless 'em! utility is every thing, ornament nothing. They are clad just as they should be; and yet, on gala days, they know how to make themselves as coquettish as any girl on Portsmouth Downs.

But in old Gipsy or in the German Gipsy of the present day, as in the Turkish Rommany, it means so directly "fear, mental weakness and worthlessness," that it may possibly have had a Rommany origin. Terror in Gipsy is trash, while thirst is trush, and both are to be found in the Hindustani. Tras, which means thirst and alarm or terror.