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Ariadne's crown of stars the Ex Ariadneis aurea temporibus Fixa corona of the poem shines in Titian's sky with a sublime radiance which corresponds perfectly to the description, so august in its very conciseness, of Catullus.

Bacon's own expressions about the state of public opinion in the time of Luther are clear and strong: "Accedebat," says he, "odium et contemptus, illis ipsis temporibus ortus erga Scholasticos." The ancient order of things had been subverted. Some bigots still cherished with devoted loyalty the remembrance of the fallen monarchy, and exerted themselves to effect a restoration.

Argus, who had not thought upon his wife and children all the way, went very gravely up: and everyone being seated, the Senate by their silence seemed to call for the report, which Argus, standing up, delivered in this wise: "RIGHT HONORABLE LORDS AND FATHERS ASSEMBLED IN PARLIAMENT: "So it is, that it has fallen to my lot to report to your excellencies in the votes of the people, taken upon the 3d instant, in the first year of this commonwealth, at the halo; the Right Honorable Phosphorus de Auge in the tribe of Eudia, Dolabella d'Enyo in the tribe of Turmae, and Linceus de Stella in the tribe of Nubia, lords commissioners of the great seal of Oceana, and proposers pro temporibus, together with my brethren the tribunes, and myself being present.

'Thy soul is wise, wrote Horace to Lollius, 'and resists with the same constancy the temptations of happiness as those of adversity est animus tibi et secundis temporibus dubusque rectus. Is not this Count Larinski?

Decurrit autem per quendam locum dictum Maron, ac secus stagnum quod diciter Mare Tyberiadis, ac subter montes Gylboe per amoenissima loca, atque in subterraneis meatibus per longum spacium se occultans tandem exit in planitie, quae dicitur Meldam, id est, forum, quod certis temporibus ibi Nundinae exercentur, et ad extremum se iactat in mare mortuum.

Dr Johnson acknowledged that he was himself the authour of the translation above alluded to, and dictated it to me as follows: Quos laudet vales Graius Romanus et Anglus Tres tria temporibus secla dedere suis. Sublime ingenium Graius; Romanus habebat Carmen grande sonans; Anglus utrumque tulit.