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Payne, supposing from his letter that Burton had made considerable progress with his translation, wrote on November 28th to Burton, and, using the words Tantus labor non sit cassus, suggested collaboration. Thus commenced one of the most interesting friendships in the annals of literature. Before relating the story, however, it will be helpful to set down some particulars of the career of Mr.

Hobbes did not consider that the same cause, which hinders savages from making use of their reason, as our jurisconsults pretend, hinders them at the same time from making an ill use of their faculties, as he himself pretends; so that we may say that savages are not bad, precisely because they don't know what it is to be good; for it is neither the development of the understanding, nor the curb of the law, but the calmness of their passions and their ignorance of vice that hinders them from doing ill: tantus plus in illis proficit vitiorum ignorantia, quam in his cognito virtutis.

Att. 3, 15, 1; Fin. 5, 9; Off. 1, 152; Cluent. 178. INFIRMIUS: sc. auam antea erat. QUAM SIT IUSTA: Cicero generally separates from the words they qualify quam, tam, ita, tantus, quantus, often, as here, by one small word. Cf. below, 35 quam fuit imbecillus; 40 tam esse inimicum. QUIBUS: the preposition a is often omitted; cf. in Pis. 91 Arsinoen ... Naupactum fateris ab hostibus esse captas.

QUAE ... PROCREET: 'able to generate'. TANTULO: strictly elliptic, implying quantulum re vera est. In such uses tantus and tantulus differ slightly from magnus and parvus; they are more emphatic. ACINI VINACEO: 'a grape-stone'. MINUTISSIMIS: used here for minimis.