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First upon the eyes, upon the closed eyelids, the right and then the left; and slowly, lightly, he traced with his thumb the sign of the Cross. "Per istam sanctam unctionem, et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid per visum deliquisti."

Tunc Imperator prius iacit quinque sagittas, postea alij: tunc Imperator dicit, Eya, hoc est, mina bestijs, et sicut quilibet capit sagittam suam signatam, percussam, aliis recedentibus ad sua loca. Odericus.

"And observe," he exclaimed, "observe with what gravity this eminent Platonist pleads guilty to the charge of having a mirror. 'Why, what, he exclaims, 'more worthy of the regards of a human creature than his own image' nihil respectabilius homini quam formam suam!

Plutarch, Roman Questions, 6. Aulus Gellius, x, 23. Athenaeus, x, 56. Valerius Maximus, vi, 3, 9. For this he was not even blamed, but rather received praise for the excellent example. Aulus Gellius, x, 23. A woman in the Menaechmi of Plautus, iv, 6, 1, complains justly of this double standard of morality: Nam si vir scortum duxit clam uxorem suam, Id si rescivit uxor, impune est viro.

He stooped and picked up a handful of earth, and scattered it over the coffin crosswise. Then, in a voice so steady and clear that not a syllable was lost, he said: 'Revertitur in terrain suam unde erat, et spiritus redit ad Deum qui dedit illum. A shudder ran through those who were present.

On each of the sides, are other sheep grazing. To the left, and facing the old market place, we may read the following inscription: Animam suam ponit pro ovibus suis, which indicates sufficiently the allegory of this composition, if we did not also see on the opposite side these other words: Pastor bonus. Beside the arcade, but nearer to the rue des Vergetiers, the tower of the Belfry rises.

I answered so badly all the questions propounded in Latin by the examiner, I made so many solecisms, that he felt it his duty to send me to an inferior class of grammar, in which, to my great delight, I found myself the companion of some twenty young urchins of about ten years, who, hearing that I was doctor in divinity, kept on saying: 'Accipiamus pecuniam, et mittamus asinum in patriam suam'.

Qui cum aliquandiu in regione illa demoratus fuisset coepit ad mentem reducere vitam suam adeo flagitiosam: Quod ab ipsis cunabulis, incendiis semper vacaverat et rapinis, et quod magis dolebat, se ecclesiarum fuisse violatorem et rerum ecclesiasticarum invasorem praeter multa enormia quae intrinsecus latebant peccata," etc. 'Mat. Par'., p. 72.

Hanc autem exhortacionem supplicacionem et preceptum tu, fili ceterique successores nostri prestanti animo complere curetis, si nostram benedictionem habere velitis, una cum benedictione filii summi Regis, qui filios docuit patrum voluntates in bono perficere, asserens in mundum se venisse non ut suam voluntatem faceret sed paternam.

"For mine own particular," he said, "I will say with the poet, 'Crede mihi, bene qui latuit bene vixit, Et intra fortunam debet quisque manere suam."