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'And what may have been your motive for coming to this place? said I. 'Per far visita a sua signoria, ecco il motivo. 'Why do you speak to me in that gibberish, said I; 'do you think I understand it? 'It is not Armenian, said the man in black; 'but it might serve, in a place like this, for the breathing of a little secret communication, were any common roadster near at hand.

-Repente ad studium hunc se applicasse musicum Amicum ingenio fretum, haud natura sua-. And in the later prologue to the -Adelphi- he says

Quapropter Sanctitas Sua presbyteros Clarentium Walworth, Augustinum Hewit, Georgium Deshon, et Franciscum Baker, una cum presbytero Isaac Hecker, qui eorumdem postulationibus quoad dispensationem a votis adhæsit, a votis simplicibus, etiam permanentiæ in Congregatione SSmi Redemptoris emissis, hujus Decreti tenore, Apostolica auctoritate dispensat, et dispensatos, ac prorsus solutos esse declarat, ita ut ad eamdem Congregationem amplius non pertineant.

Vidal and Porchon only take them of us on conditions that grow harder and harder day by day. You have only your time to lose, while I am obliged to disburse two thousand francs. If we fail, habent sua fata libelli, I lose two thousand francs; while, as for you, you simply hurl an ode at the thick-headed public.

The mutiny governed itself as a strict military democracy, and had caused an official seal to be engraved, representing seven snakes entwined in one, each thrusting forth a dangerous tongue, with the motto "tutto in ore E sua Eccelenza in nostro favore." "His Excellency" meant Maurice of Nassau, with whom formal articles of compact had been arranged.

They encouraged peace-makers, punished peace-breakers. They guarded the fundamental principle, 'ut sua tanerent', to the verge of absurdity; forbidding a freeman, without a freehold, from testifying a capacity not denied even to a country slave. Certainly all this was better than fist-law and courts manorial. For the commencement of the thirteenth century, it was progress.

SUA QUEMQUE TRAHIT VOLUPTAS. And my visions of preferment, though they may be as unsubstantial at present, are nevertheless more capable of being realized, than your aspirations after the Lord knows what. What says my father's proverb? 'Look to a gown of gold, and you will at least get a sleeve of it. Such is my pursuit; but what dost thou look to?

Giannotti, vol. ii. p. 123. The diplomatic difficulties of a popular government, a 'governo largo, as opposed to a 'governo stretto, are set forth with great acumen by Guicciardini, Op. Ined. vol. ii. p. 84. Cf. vol. iii. p. 272. 'è la sua autorit

His most widely read work, Apologia Pro Vita Sua , was written in answer to an unfortunate attack by Charles Kingsley, which would long since have been forgotten had it not led to this remarkable book. In 1854 Newman was appointed rector of the Catholic University in Dublin, but after four years returned to England and founded a Catholic school at Edgbaston.

Audoen's Church where I have read the epitaph, telling the age and titles of the departed dust. Neither painted escutcheon, nor marble slab, have served to rescue from oblivion the story of the dead, whose very name will ere long moulder from their tracery, 'Et sunt sua fata sepulchris.