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It falsely alleged a second axiom, Similia similibus curantur, "Like is cured by like," as the basis of its own practice; for it does not keep to any such rule, as every page of the book before us abundantly shows.

Six months! You do not know how I detest the country, partridges, rabbits and all. For heaven's sake, find some other remedy for me. "'There is homoeopathy, said he, smiling. 'Hahnemann is quite the fashion now. "'Let us have homoeopathy! "'You know the principles of the system: 'Similia similibus! If you have fever, redouble it; if you have smallpox, be inoculated with a triple dose.

It did not belong to the angel to cast out the Balaamites out of Pergamos, but he might, and ought to have cast them out of the church in Pergamos. Let us take a taste. Is deposition from the ministry? This kings have done,” &c., Male Dicis, p. 7. Now similia labra lactucis. But for all that, the taste is vitiated, and doth not put a difference between things that are different.

Not in the least. If he showed any symptoms of infection I would for once have recourse to the principle of similia similibus. To cure him of Hahnemann I would prescribe my favorite homoeopathic antidote, Okie's Bonninghausen.

Hahnemann rejected all the teachings of morbid anatomy and pathology as useless in practice, and propounded his famous "similia similibus curantur" that all diseases were to be cured by medicine which in health produced symptoms dynamically similar to the disease under treatment.

He was not long in giving the Roman factions a taste of his stern quality. If he employed unscrupulous means, he employed them against unscrupulous men on the sound principle of similia similibus curantur and to some extent they were justified by the ends in view. He found the temporal throne of the Pontiffs tottering when he ascended it.

Colonel Barclay, the moustachioed horseman, who had spoken the few words to Robert in passing, now remarked that there was an end of the military profession. "I surrender my sword," he said gallantly. Another declared that ladies would now act in lieu of causing an appeal to arms. "Similia similibus, &c.," said Edward. "They can, apparently, cure what they originate." "Ah, the poor sex!" Mrs.

Six months! You do not know how I detest the country, partridges, rabbits and all. For heaven's sake, find some other remedy for me. "'There is homoeopathy, said he, smiling. 'Hahnemann is quite the fashion now. "'Let us have homoeopathy! "'You know the principles of the system: 'Similia similibus! If you have fever, redouble it; if you have smallpox, be inoculated with a triple dose.

Similia similibus curantur means exactly this. It is simply a theory of universal poisoning, nullified in practice by the infinitesimal contrivance. The only way to kill it and all similar fancies, and to throw every quack nostrum into discredit, is to root out completely the suckers of the old rotten superstition that whatever is odious or noxious is likely to be good for disease.

The pretorians, with the New York Herald as their flag, will soon finish with liberty at home. McClellan, Barlow, the brothers Wood, and Bennett, may very soon be at the helm, with the 100,000 pretorians for support. Similia similibus; and here disgrace is to cure disgrace.