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Sic fit ut debeantur rei a re. /6/ Different principles might have applied when the rent was not parcel of a manor, and was only part of the reversion; that is, part of the landlord's fee or estate out of which the lease was carved. If the lease and rent were merely internal divisions of that estate, the rent could not be claimed except by one who was privy to that estate.

She was alone save for Kurri the Sidonian, who followed her, and she walked wildly as one distraught who knows not where she goes nor why. Helen saw her also. "Who is this royal lady that draws near?" she asked of Rei. "It is Meriamun the Queen; she whom the Wanderer hath brought to shame." "Stay then, I would speak with her." "Nay, nay," cried Rei. "She loves thee not, Lady, and will slay thee."

Polanus, speaking of the sacramental elements, saith, Sanctificatio rei terrenae est actio ministri, qua destinat rem terrenam ad sanctum usum, ex mandato Dei, &c. The Professors of Leyden call only such things, persons, times and places holy, as are consecrated and dedicated to God and his worship, and that divina praescriptione.

I concluded, "First: That martial law operates either by reason of its proclamation by competent authority, or ex necessitate rei in the immediate theatre of military operations.

Now, if indeed thou art the Goddess of this temple, as I judge by that red jewel which burns upon thy breast, I pray thee be merciful to thy servant and smite me not in thy wrath, for not by my own will am I here, but by the command of that hero whom thou hast named, and for whose coming I await. Be merciful therefore, and hold thy hand." "Fear not thou, Rei," said the sweet voice.

This last people seem to want noses, having only as it were two holes in their faces through which they breathe . These Copheral Turks invaded Persia about fifteen years ago, about 1145, with a great army, and destroyed the metropolitan city of Rei , and carried off vast spoil into the desert.

But in the end he determined to forbear and see with his own eyes what befell those who strove to win the way. So he drew back, wondering much; and, bidding farewell to the aged priest, he went with Rei, the Master Builder, through the town of Tanis, where the Apura were still spoiling the people of Khem, and he came to the Palace where he was lodged.

Amazonia est modica insula, quam absquae viris sofae regunt et inhabitant mulieres: cuius rei prima causa haec fuit. Olim cum insula communiter a viris, et mulieribus habitabatur, Rex eius dictus Colopius cum omnibus nobilibus suis in bello contra Regnum Scithiae occisus fuit.

When the heart is cold then the hand is strong, and I am fain to be the Queen leading Pharaoh by the beard, the first of all the ancient land of Khem; for I was not born to serve. Nay, while I may, I rule, awaiting the end of rule. Look forth, Rei, and see how the rays from Mother Isis' throne flood all the courts and all the city's streets and break in light upon the water's breast.

Now the ghosts being gone she bade the Spirit of Rei follow the Wanderer up the sanctuary, and from the loosed Spirit she heard how he rent the web, and of all the words of Helen and of the craft of him who feigned to be Paris. Then the web was torn and the eyes of the Spirit of Rei looked on the beauty of her who was behind it. "Tell me of the face of the False Hathor?" said the Queen.