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"Caerula quis stupuit lumina? flavam Caesariem, et madido torquentem cornua cirro? Nempe quod haec illis natura est omnibus una," writes Juvenal of their resemblance to one another. By the year 1411 long strides had been made toward other forms of social, political, religious, and commercial life, due to the German grip upon Europe.

Don't you remember that line in the Latin grammar something about, 'Who shall watch the watchers? I think it used to run, 'Quis custodes custodiet ipsos?" But I felt this episode had at least disproved my suspicions of poor Césarine. On our return to London, Charles and Marvillier had a difference of opinion on the subject of Medhurst.

His Royal Highness the Duke is hourly expected here: his arrival will make some bustle; for I believe it is certain that he is resolved to make a push at the Duke of N., Pitt and Co.; but it will be ineffectual, if they continue to agree, as, to my CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE, they do at present. This parliament is theirs, 'caetera quis nescit'?

Sunt enim plerique ebrii, gulosi, procaces, inconstantes, impatientes, stolidi, inertes, omnisque libidinis genere coinquinati. Optimi quique inter illos stulti sunt." De Utilitate, p. 362. De Vita Propria, ch. xiii. p. 45. "Quid profuit hæc tua industria, quis infelicior in filiis? quorum alter male periit: alter nec regi potest nec regere?" Opera, tom. i. p. 109. Opera, tom. i. p. 614.

Dublin, printed in the year 1724-5. Ceteri, quanto quis servitio promptior, opibus et honoribus extollerentur: Invalido legum auxilio, quae vi, ambitu, postremo pecunia turbabantur. Tacit. An.

He is literally and practically mad; and still he is quite literally and practically a doctor. The only question is the old one, Quis docebit ipsum doctorem? Now cruelty to children is an utterly unnatural thing; instinctively accursed of earth and heaven.

When two such as thee and I meet, with Affections as we ought to have towards each other, thou should'st rejoice to see my peaceable Demeanour, and I should be glad to see thy Strength and Ability to protect me in it. No. 133. Thursday, August 2, 1711. Steele. 'Quis Desiderio sit pudor aut modus Tam Chari capitis? Hor.

For instance, on folio 87, recto, we find "tolerare laborem propter virtutem quis vult si praemia desunt," written in the style of "Experience" No. 1 above, though not so carefully, and immediately beneath it, manifestly with the same pen, and it would seem with the same pen-full of ink, "the saying of Galen," in the style of No. 4, "strangers where they come," etc.

We at once think of the commonplace from Juvenal: "Quis tulerit Gracchos de seditione querentes." But Rome, without remonstrating, put up with any absurdity of that kind. Sextius and Milo and others had been joined together in opposing the election of Clodius as Ædile, and had probably met violence with violence.

And then he goes on to ask "Quis hodie nudum caput radiis solis, aut omnia perurenti frigori, ausit exponere?" Yet we ourselves, and our illustrious friend, Christopher North, have walked for twenty years amongst our British lakes and mountains hatless, and amidst both snow and rain, such as Romans did not often experience. We were naked, and yet not ashamed.